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Looking To Others Interests

Tamela Sue Wies

Philippians 2:3-4 “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”

Paul was reminding the Philippian Believers that it all goes back to having the same mindset as Jesus Christ. We are to keep our intentions and motives in check at all times. Philippians 2:5 tells us that Jesus was in the very nature of God, yet did not consider equality with God as something to be used to His advantage. He willfully humbled Himself to the lowest position and died a criminal's death so that we don't have to suffer. In thinking about this, how in the world can those who claim to follow our magnificent Lord even begin to be prideful? They are overwhelmingly indebted to Him.

Paul must have recognized some selfishness and pride among the Believers or He wouldn't have addressed this issue. Selfish ambition literally means to motivate one's self or elevate one's self, thinking of self above and before others. The Greek word describing this character flaw denotes some contentiousness, meaning strife or a tendency to argue or quarrel. It carries with it vain conceit which again speaks of pride and thinking of one's self better than others. This character concoction is deadly and does not lead to unity and harmony whatsoever. A person with these character traits is usually self absorbed, prideful, and has no foundation in reality. Their actions are motivated by selfishness and one-upmanship. They are always looking to gain wealth, fame, glory, status, or possessions and will do it all without regard to anyone else.

We are to strive not to act out of selfish ambition and the rest of this verse speaks of the answer to the problem. We must humble ourselves or look to other's interests before our own like Jesus. Jesus sacrificed for others rather than for His own glory and we are called to follow His lead. If we put others first, we are less likely to be conceited, prideful or overly ambitious seeking our own agenda.

Paul counseled the Galatians to carry one another's burdens and to do good to all but especially to fellow Believers (Galatians 6:10). And Jesus said in John 13 to love one another. When you are conniving to push forward your own agenda because you feel superior and that your way is the only way then your focus is on yourself and lacking in love for others. This attitude only seeks to cause disharmony and disunity.

As Believers, we have been adopted into the family of God. The members in a family are committed to one another. They spend time together, learn to trust one another, willingly serve one another and are supposed to serve as a support system at all times. Have you settled into your role in the family of God and what steps have you taken to guard against selfish ambition?


Personalize this prayer.

Dear Lord,

I know there have been times in the past when I have disregarded others feelings and needs and looked out for my own interests. Please forgive me. I see the error of my ways and it looks ugly. Our world operates in an everyone look out for yourself platform and if we are not careful, we can get caught up in the dark reality of all that it entails. It's a lonely state to be in. Please help me to be others focused, to be able to discern their needs and to seek to love on and minister to them when ever possible. Help me also to be receptive to others help and warmth working to build up the body. Give me the ability to be a unifying quotient at all times to help make the church harmonious and fruitful. If at any time I begin to let pride and selfishness lead, would you please get my attention. I don't want selfishness and conceit to be my calling card. I want my agenda to be the will of Jesus each and every moment of every day.

In Jesus Name,


#92 #looking #interests #Philippians #donothing #selfishambition #vainconcceit #humility #valueothers #aboveyourselfes #yourowninterests #interestsoftheothers #Paul #reminding #PhilippianBelievers #samemindsetasJesusChrist #JesusChrist #intentions #motives #incheck #Jesus #God #equiality #advantage #lowestposition #criminalsdeath #suffer #world #follow #Lord #prideful #selfishness #pride #Believers #issue #motivate #elevate #oneself #thinkingofself #aboveandbeforeothers #ablove #Greek #Greekword #characterflaw #contentiousness #strife #argue #quarrel #better #character #concoction #deadly #unityharmonycharactertraits #selfabsorbed #foundation #reality #actions #motivated #oneupmanship #gainwealth #wealth #fame #glory #status #possessions #strive #nottoact #verse #Jesussacrificed #gloryfollowHislead #ceonceited #agenda #counseled #Galatians #carryoneanothersburdens #burdens #dogood #loveoneanother #love #conniving #pushforward #feelsuperior #superior #focus #lackinginlove #attitude #disharmonydisunity #adopted #familyofGodmembers #committed #spndtimetogether #learntotrust #serve #supportsystem #settled #steps #guard #disregarded #feelings #forgiveme #forgive #error #ugly #worldoperates #platform #darkreality #caughtup #lonelystate #focused #discerntheirneeds #needs #loveon #ministerto #receptive #warmth #buildupthebody #buildup #body #ability #unifying #quotient #harmonious #fruitful #attention #callingcard


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