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Great Is Thy Faithfulness

Tamela Sue Wies

Isaiah 45:2-3 "I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places,so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name."

In Isaiah 45:2-3 God was speaking to Cyrus, the King of Persia, telling him that he was to rescue the tribes of Benjamin and Judah out of the hands of the Babylonians. Cyrus knew that the city was so well fortified that there was no way that he could succeed in rescuing God's people unless God helped him. God promised that He would go before the troops and breakdown the barriers so that Cyrus' attack would prevail and so that Cyrus would experience His faithfulness. Ultimately, God kept His promises and Cyrus' mission was accomplished. Great is Thy Faithfulness!

My husband and I have experienced God's faithfulness over and over and over again! In fact, when our children were growing up we kept a running list on the refrigerator to remind us of His faithfulness and how we had seen Him work in our lives. The list constantly brought to remembrance all that God had done for us and just how much He loved us and it was a beautiful illustration for our children to look back on. Though we don't keep a list any more, He continues to prove His faithfulness time and time again. The past Wednesday was another prime example of just how much He loves us.

I drove to work in the morning just like every other work day and parked in the parking garage near the office. At noon I went back to the car as I needed to run an errand and low and behold the car wouldn't start. It could have frustrated me but in these later years I'm aware that God is in complete control and there is a reason for everything He allows. Wednesday He was not only protecting us but helping us to get through our day with minimal interruptions. My husband met me after work, jumped the car and we went to buy a new battery. Instead of spoiling my whole day, it made me keenly aware of God's faithfulness.

The car could have died in the middle of the morning rush hour traffic and my husband would have had to leave work to come and help which would have caused interruption to his work day. The car could have broken down while we were out sight seeing in rural parts of the country which we like to do often and we would have been stranded and had to call for help. The car could have stalled in the midst of one of these rainy days that we've been experiencing and made the whole rescue mission a miserable mess. The car could have had more severe issues that would have cost quite a lot more to repair. But thankfully, God saw fit to get me where I needed to go before the battery went dead so that I wasn't late to work and got me to the parking garage where it provided shelter making jumping the car an uneventful task. Praise the Lord!

Friends, God literally went before me, leveled the mountains (barriers), cut through the bars of iron (obstacles) in order to get me to a safe dry place where we could deal with the problem at hand and I am so grateful. Not a day goes by where we don't see His faithfulness in some way or another. If you haven't taken notice lately, I encourage you to change your thought patterns and strive to look for His faithfulness all through out the day instead of camping on your woes. You won't be disappointed. "For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations." Psalm 100:5


Dear Lord,

You are true to Your Word and have proven Your faithfulness over and over and over again. I am so thankful and appreciative for how You have provided, protected, nourished, encouraged, and demonstrated Your love not only to our children but to us through the years. We can honestly say that Your steadfast love endures forever and Your faithfulness continues through all generations. We are keenly aware that apart from You we are nothing and can do nothing of value for the Kingdom. We need You to speak through us to give testimony of Your grace and mercy, of Your wisdom and contentment, and of Your friendship and Your peace. Use us however You desire and guide every step that we take so it will align with Your will.

In Jesus Name,


#Greatisthyfaithfulness #Isaiah #Iwillgobeforeyou #level #mountains #breakdown #gates #bronze #cutthrough #bars #iron #hiddentreasures #riches #secretplaces #stored #IamtheLord #GodofIsrael #summonsyou #name #Cyrus #KingofPersia #rescue #tribes #Benjamin #Judah #Babylonians #fortified #succeed #rescuing #Godspeople #Helped #God #promised #gobefore #troops #breakdown #barriers #attack #prevail #experience #faithfulness #GodKeptHispromises #mission #accomplished #Husband #GGodsfaithfulness #over #children #growingup #running #kept #refrigerator #work #lives #list #brought #remembrance #lovedus #beautiful #illustration #timeandtimeagain #primeexample #Helovesus #drove #workmorning #workday #parked #parkinggarage #office #noon #thecarwouldntstart #frustrate #alwaysaware #Godisincontrol #reason #allows #protecting #minimal #interruptions #jumpedthecar #buyanewbattery #incident #spoil #keenly #aware #died #rushhourtraffic #leave #help #interruption #brokendown #sightseeing #ruralparts #country #stranded #callforhelp #stalled #rainydays #experiencing #rescuemission #miserable #mess #issues #repair #cost #needed #go #parkinggarageshelter #uneventful #task #PrPraise #leveled #mountainscutthroughthebarsofiron #obstacles #safedryplace #deal #problem #grateful #encourage #changeyourthoughtpatterns #strive #lookforHisfaithfulness #youwontbedisappointed #good #hisloveenduresforever #hisfaithfulnesscontinues #throughallgenerations #Psalm

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