2 Timothy 1:7 "For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline."
The notion that fear is very real has been looming in my thoughts this morning. I know what fear is and what it can do to our quality of life. I've lived in fear in the past and can tell you that it is very debilitating. It keeps you bound and paralyzed, always longing to step out into the light but never daring to make the strides to move on. Years ago I lived daily worrying about what people thought, worrying about how my words would be received, if I was good enough, if my house was nice enough, if I was educated enough, if I was pretty enough, if my children were a blessing to others, not disappointing my parents, not disappointing my husband, fear of failure on many levels and I could go on and on and on and on. I always felt like I was being measured by others and could never quite live up to their expectations. I was a "People Pleaser" and a "Perfectionist Filled with Fear" which isn't a good mix.
The fear magnified when I was faced with changing my ways and letting God take control and manifested itself in many ugly forms. Change is always difficult especially the older we get. Isn't it funny that some would rather stay comfortable in a binding state than to step out into the unknown that brings freedom in Christ. Change is scary but I found deliverance in the truth that we are to be about pleasing the Lord not looking for the approval of men. I can't tell you how much peace and the abundance of joy I felt when I was able to give all my anxiety to Jesus and live for Him.
You see, our focus determines our attitudes and our actions and when we put them in the proper perspective, everything aligns in accordance to why we were created. We were created to please the Lord and worship Him. That is it, friends. If nothing else, we were created for His pleasure. As born again Believers in Jesus Christ, It is His prerogative to use us as He pleases for His Kingdom work while we are still walking this earth. The kicker is that satan is also very real and he sets out to keep us from experiencing the abundance of joy that God has called us to. If he feels we are a threat to his agenda then he will do everything in his power to keep us from carrying out God's plans for us. He finds our weaknesses and goes to work binding, paralyzing, condemning, crippling, deceiving, conniving, exploiting, discrediting, depleting, disqualifying, undermining, ridiculing and anything else he can do to defeat us and he will use anyone and anything to do it.
I will never forget the day that God gave me the courage to step out of my comfort zone and face my fears. We were spending time together on our porch and He clearly spoke His word into my heart and I obeyed. God used Psalm 81: 1o to get my attention "I am the Lord Your God who led You out of Egypt. Open wide Your mouth and I will fill it." Now, the verse may have been used in another context in scripture but on this particular day, God clearly spoke to my heart and said enough is enough. It has been a remarkable journey from that day forward and I have seen Him use me in phenomenal ways that I would never have imagined. Friends, I'm living proof that there is hope in the Lord and that if You truly seek to follow Him and lay your fears and hindrances at His feet, He will faithfully help You to deal with them and deliver You. "For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7 Fear is not from the Lord!
Personalize this prayer.
Dear Lord,
I know that life begins in You and I surrender my all to Your endless love. I want to walk in the freedom that You have promised, Lord, but I can't do it alone. Fear literally paralyzes me and keeps me bound. Please, Lord, free me from the fear that holds me captive and is keeping me from experiencing the abundance of joy that You have promised. Fix my eyes on You and Your desires while You mold me and make me according to Your will and Your ways. Please let Your grace wash over me and help me to start anew.
In Jesus Name,
#Fear #fearisnotfromtheLord #2Timothy #Spirit #God #power #love #selfdiscipline #fearisveryreal #qualityoflifelivedinfear #pst #debilitating #boundparalyzed #stepout #light #daring #strides #moveon #daily #worrying #words #peoplethought #goodenough #niceenough #educatedenough #prettyenough #children #blessing #notdisappointing #husband #parents #measured #expectations #PeoplePleaser #Perfectionist #filledwithfear #magnified #changingmyways #Godtakecontrol #manifested #uglyforms #changeisalwaysdifficult #olderweget #comfortable #bindingstate #freedominChrist #scary #deliverance #truth #pleasingtheLord #approvalofmen #peaceabundanceofjoy #anxciety #Jesus #liveforHim #focusdeterminesourattitudesandouractions #perspective #created #pleasetheLord #worshipHim #friends #createdforHispleasure #bornagain #believers #JesusChrist #prerogative #Kingdom #walkingthisearthkicker #satan #keepusfromexperiencing #threat #threattoHisagenda #carrying #Godsplans #weaknesses #goestowork #binding #paralyzing #condemning #crippling #deceiving #exploiting #discrediting #depleting #disqualifying #undermining #ridiculing #anythingelse #defeat #useanone #anything #forget #Godgaveme #courrage #facemyfearsspendingtimetogether #porch #spokeHisword #intomyheart #obeyed #Friends #livingproof #hope #trulyseekseek #follow #fears #hindrances #feet #faithfully #deliver #timid #powerlove #LifebeginsinYou #endlesslove #walkinthefreedom #promised #paralyzes #bound #fear #captive #holdsme #fixmyeyes #Yourdesires #moldme #Yourwill #Yourways #grace #washoverme #helpmetostartanew