Philippians 4:4 "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!"
The Believers in Philippi were disagreeing with one another and Paul was not able to be there to help them work things out. The Bible doesn't tell us the reason for the struggle but I'm sure that Paul's heart ached for them. He loved them dearly and had ever reason to worry about them; however, he wrote to them telling them of his joy and that they were to rejoice in the Lord always too. Despite their circumstances or anything they were facing, he told them to rejoice. I can about imagine some of their responses, can't you? With everything that they were going through and facing at that time, rejoice?
Paul used Greek words for joy and rejoicing over 16 times in 104 verses. He was writing from a dark, musty, dingy, Roman prison cell and was probably laden with many health problems, ones of which we will probably never have to face. Everything about his existence alluded to pain and suffering yet he was full of joy. How could this be?
Let's take a moment to look at the object of real joy! JOY IN - JOY BECAUSE - JOY EVEN THOUGH
Jesus took our sin and sorrows and died in our place so that our sins would be forgiven and we would no longer be separated from God. He promises us in His word that He will be coming again to take us Home with Him. When we think about these truths it gives us every reason to REJOICE IN HIM. Rejoicing in the Lord means that these truths about Jesus, who He is, what He has done, and what He will do personally affect us. Rejoicing in Him means knowing Him intimately and realizing that no one offers us anything sweeter, deeper, purer, and gives more lasting pleasure than Jesus! He is our Master, our Savior, our Redeemer and Friend; therefore, we are able to REJOICE IN HIM AT ALL TIMES!
We can REJOICE BECAUSE JESUS TOOK THE PENALTY OF OUR SIN. We deserved to die but because of His great love for us, He chose to die in our place. Who does that? No one other than Jesus so we rejoice in knowing that we are dearly loved and treasured. Paul rejoices because He knows that His Savior lives and He will be reunited with Him again. We will share the same honor.
Paul faced many challenges at this time but I would venture to say that we do too. They may not be the same challenges but we all have struggles that we face daily, be it spiritually, financially, emotionally, or physically. We have family struggles, work related stresses, financial burdens and even health issues yet Paul encourages us that we can REJOICE EVEN THOUGH or inspite of what we face which are the same words that James penned in James 1:2-4. Our joy is not to be anchored in our circumstances but in our Lord and Savior who will never disappoint us.
So, yes, we can Rejoice In "The Lord Always" Even Though our circumstances are not ideal because our joy is In Him and Because of all He's done for us. What A Mighty God We Serve!
Personalize this prayer.
Dear Lord,
I rejoice in You, the Author and Finisher of my Faith! You understand all that I face on a daily basis as I live in this fallen world among people. You know the pain, the alienation, the rejection and the loneliness so I'm asking that You keep me focused on You so that I am able to rejoice at all times. I'm aware that everything that happens to me can not happen unless You allow it so I trust that You've got a purpose in it all. Thank You for all that You are and all that You mean to me. I know that You hold me in the palms of Your hands so I just lift up my voice and give You praise for all things great and small. I even thank You for the trials and the setbacks that are puzzling me. You're in control of them too. I rejoice because of all that You mean to me and have meant to me through the years. Help me to practice Your presence each and every day so that all that I say and do will glorify Your name..
In Jesus Name,
#Philippians #rejoice #Belilevers #Philippi #Paul #reason #struggle #loved #circustances #Greekwords #joy #Greekwords #dark #musty #dingy #Romanprisoncell #healthproblems #existence #painsuffering #fullofjoy #objectsofrealjoy #reasonforjoy #challengestojoy #sin #sorrows #diedinourplace #forgiven #separated #promises #comingagain #truths #reasontorejoiceinHim #whoheis #whathehasdone #whatHewilldo #knowingHimintimately #sweeter #deeper #purer #lastingpleasure #Mater #Savior #Redeemer #Friend #penaltyofoursin #trialsofmanykinds #anchored #circumstances #neverdisappoint #author #finisherofmyfaith #fallenworld #inhabitants #alienation #rejection #loneliness #focused #allow #trust #purposeinitall #holdme #palmsofYourhands #voice #praise #great #small #setbacks #puzzling #control #practice #Yourpresence #glorifyYourname