Philippians 3:10-11 "I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead."
I haven't set New Year's Resolutions for years because inevitably I fail so I figure that I'm just setting myself up for disappointment. It is so frustrating to me. I do; however, have things that with God's direction I am trying to achieve but I have to stay focused because I can get easily sidetracked. I think that one of the most dangerous human blunders is forgetting what we are trying to achieve. We set out on course and then over time it is easy to let our goals slide into the background and out of sight.
It is especially true in our Christian faith. We have to be focused at all times and clearly spell out what it is we are working towards or it will not happen. What should the goal of a Christian's life be? I believe that it is to know Christ and to seek to be like Him. (Philippians 3:10-11) The ultimate form of flattery is when someone tries to act or look like you. So, in essence, we need to come to know Christ intimately and so exemplify His likeness that people have to take a second look because of the resemblance. We're to be the reflection of Him in all that we say and do!
Christianity is not a list of do's and don'ts as some would propose but rather a personal growing relationship with the living God who passionately loves us. As we grow closer to Him we naturally begin to conform to His likeness which really is our ultimate goal. You can know a lot about someone without really knowing the person. For example, I know who Barbara Bush was and have read many articles about her but I was never introduced to her or had the opportunity to talk to her so I can not say that I knew her personally. There is a big difference. Now, my husband is a different story. I probably know him better than he knows himself because I have spent the past 38 years studying him. I know how He thinks, I know what He believes and I pretty much can tell you what he is going to say before he says it.
This kind of an intimate relationship with God is only possible if we are His child. We must be saved from the power of sin and death and believe in Jesus if we are going to be able to walk in the newness of life and come into His presence. Then and only then can we begin to get to know Him personally. The beautiful thing is that He sits waiting, longing to spend time with us so He is always available. It is our responsibility to press in to Him, spend time in His word and bask in His presence. Do you know Him? or Do you just know who He is?
Personalize this prayer.
Dear Lord,
I love spending time with You and learning from You. When I look back over the years and see the difference that You have made in my life, it humbles me. I'm so very thankful! I want to know You more and I ask that would help me to set aside more time to spend with you without being rushed or having to go somewhere, time to just be still in your presence. I want to glean from Your wisdom and receive all that You have for me right now. Please help me to stay focused on You at every turn. I've been washed in Your blood and I am a living testimony that I will never be the same again. There is no turning back and I'm forever grateful. May my life be an open book illuminating Your likeness to whomever you send my way.
In Jesus Name,
#doyouknowhim #knowabouthim #Philippians #knowChrist #knowthepowerofchisresurrection #resurrection #participation #sufferings #death #participationsufferings #deathlikeHim #resurrectionfromthedead #disappointment #frstrating #Godsdirection #achieve #stayfocused #sidetracked #dangerous #humanblunders #tryingtoachieve #oncourse #overtime #letourgoalsslide #background #outofsight #Christianfaith #true #focused #atalltimes #workingtowards #itwillnothappen #goals #backgroundoutofsight #Christianslife #goalofaChristians #seektobelikeHim #flattery #actorlooklikeyou #ultimateformofflattery #flatteryactorlooklikeyou #knowChristintimately #exemplifyHislikeness #secondlook #rese #resemblance #reflection #Christianity #dosanddonts #personalgrowingrelationship #livingGod #conform #Hislikeness #ultimategoal #introduced #articles #BarbaraBush #believes #thinks #intimaterelationship #possible #child #saved #powerofsinanddeath #walkinthenewnessoflife #presence #personally #beautiful #beautifulwaiting #longing #available #responsibility #rpessintoHim #spendtimeinHisword #baskinHispresence #spiritualjourneybegins #difference #humbles #thankful #IwanttoknowYoumore #setasdietime #spend #rushed #somewhere #glean #pressin #spiritualjourney #washedinYourblood #livingtestimony #noturningback #grateful #openbook #likeness