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Are You In It To Win It?

Tamela Sue Wies

Philippians 3:13-14 "Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."

Paul continues his discourse with the racing illustration in these verses but what stuck out in my mind this morning were the words, "one thing". He is saying, this is important here, listen to me. I want you to see that I am concentrating all my efforts on this one aspect, running the Christian race. Many people are so busy and have so many priorities that they really don't have the time to excel in anything because they are spread too thin. What would it be like if we all could concentrate on just 1 area, running the Christian race? This is Paul's goal, he not only wants to race but he is focusing all of his attention in that one area and is determined not to let anyone or anything distract him. He is, in essence, devoting everything to his calling.

Notice, too, that he tells the Philippians that he is forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. Why do you suppose it is important for runners to look ahead and not back or down? If the runner looks back or down, he is setting himself up for a possible collision or even injury. By looking ahead he can see where he is going and determine his route to avoid trouble not only in his path but with his body as well. As Christians we are told to forget the past and reach to the future. We all know that we are not able to truly forget what has happened to us in the past; however, we can make a choice not to allow it to influence or affect us any longer. God can help us break the power of the past by living in the future.

Joseph's life is a good example of this concept. He was treated so poorly by his brothers that without God's intervention, he could have turned out to be a very bitter, conniving, manipulative man. But the Bible tells us that the Lord was with Joseph (Genesis 39:2) so everything that was happening in Joseph's life, God was going to use for a grander purpose. Years down the road when his brothers met him face to face, he was able to say, "what you meant for evil, God meant for good." (Genesis 5:20) All through out Joseph's life he was able to look toward the future and not dwell on the past. The events of the past did not change but he received greater understanding from the Lord of His purpose in it all. Joseph was not affected by the pain and suffering that had occurred years before. When we are able to see things from God's point of view our vision becomes clearer! We can continue to run the race that He sets before us and not be hindered by what has happened years before.

He goes on to tell them that he is pressing on. A determined runner doesn't just listen to advice, watch videos and read about strategies. He jumps into the race, fully prepared and determined to give it all he's got. He or she is "All In" and are "In It To Win It" as the saying goes. They've counted the cost and have their sights set on the prize. The Christian runner knows that there is no way that he/she can run the race of life without depending on the Lord because it is He who enables us in all things. He works in us in order that he might work through us to accomplish His will.

Take a moment to ponder these questions. Are you so busy that you don't have the time to focus on the things of the Lord? If so, what steps will you take to change things? Are things from your past hindering you from moving forward or growing in your relationship with God and others? If so, work towards forgiveness and ask God to help you not to let your past define your future.


Personalize this prayer.


Forgive me for neglecting to spend time with you. I know that if it is going to happen I need to schedule the time because once the day gets rolling it gets away from me. I do love You and I ask that help me and show me what I need to leave out in order to concentrate on You. I realize too that the pain from my past has kept me bound for so far too many years. It has impacted my adult life and it saddens me. Please, Lord, help me to forgive and move on. Help me to see that those hurtful events or comments can only affect me if I allow them too and I no longer want to live encumbered by these weights. Free me and enable me to look forward from now on. May my identity be defined by You and not by my past. With You by my side, I'm ready to step out of my comfort zone and soar to where ever You send me and no longer shrink back in fear and intimidation. I'm determined to press on reaching for the prize that you have promised. Let's do this . . .

In Jesus Name,


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