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Tamela Sue Wies

Are You In The Minority?

1 Peter 1:15 "But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do;"

Truth be told, friends, if we are raising our children to know what is right and do what is right according to biblical standards then they will always be in the minority. The minority is a hard place to be but if we are truly committed to our faith in Jesus Christ then we know that this is the approach that is necessary.

Holiness takes willful attention in every aspect of our daily lives. Jesus said, "Be holy as I am holy". so we know that it is His will but how in the world do we attain such high standards and convictions in these immoral times? First we have to understand what God determined for us in holiness. God's desire was that we be set apart from others and that our lives be so different that it would cause curiosity among those who don't believe. "Set Apart" is the key word here. To be holy is to be distinctly set apart from the profane for God's purposes and His ways. This doesn't mean that we separate ourselves and don't involve ourselves in the lives of others but it does mean that we are careful what we watch, how we act, what we say, how we respond, etc. The details of our lives are based on what the Bible says rather than what the world deems appropriate. In this way we can be a reflection of Jesus to those that are lost.

Lets look at two aspects of holiness. First, at salvation we are set apart for holiness. Secondly, it is important that we maintain this holiness. God isn't calling us to be perfect but He is calling us to live out our days in relationship with Him. The only way that we can possibly live in holiness and please the Lord is if we have a right relationship with Him. In this relationship He continues to shape our mind and our character to resemble His so if we want our children to be holy then it is our responsibility to live it out before them. It is a determined effort on the part of both spouses to not blend in with the world but to live wholeheartedly according to God's Word and His will for us.

Like I mentioned, the best way to instruct your children towards holiness is to live it out before them. As they watch and listen to our convictions and God's leading in our lives, they will follow suit. In raising our children we used every opportunity to teach and instruct them. If a child understands why we do things or where our beliefs come from (The Bible), they are more apt to make them a part of their belief system also. Our goal is to raise children who hunger for a relationship with God themselves, accept Him as Lord and Savior, and will choose to live for Him. As children learn to think and act based on the truths of God's Word then hopefully they will grow in holiness and godliness.

This little song keeps running through my head, "Be Careful Little Eyes What You See" . . . I'm sure you remember it from your childhood. There is a lot of truth in the words of this little song. Not only do we need to guard ourselves from the worldly influences that are swarming around us but we need to make sure that we are carefully controlling what impacts the lives of our children also. Television, radio, friends, teachers, pastors, family etc., all play a role in shaping the character and belief system of these precious little souls. If any of these influences isn't pleasing to God or doesn't glorify Him then it's something we must go without.

Have you found yourself to be in the minority these days? . . . . . . . . . . .My friend, that's a good thing!


Personalize this prayer.

Dear Lord,

The closer I get to you the more I realize that change is needed. I want to please You in everything that I say and everything I do but I have to admit that some times I get caught up in what everyone else is doing and before you know it, I've failed. Forgive me. Help me to be more purposeful and intentional about my faith. I long to be like You and give me children a godly example to follow but on my own it is not possible. I need You. I need Your guidance and direction. I need You to order my steps and to teach me Your ways. May Your words be on my lips at all times so that my responses are gentle and my longings are pure. You've given me a huge responsibility in raising my children and I'm up for the task but again I can't do it alone. I know You are faithful so I am going to press in to You and will purposely follow Your ways. May Your will done in and through me and if this means that I'm in the minority, then so be it.

In Jesus Name,


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