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Should Christians Read Horoscopes?

Tamela Sue Wies

Romans 1:25 "They exchanged the Truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the creator."

I have been asked if it is all right for Christians to read their horoscopes so I would like to expound on this issue for a moment. First of all, to say that we Believe in Christ means that we have accepted Him as Lord and Savior of our lives and we believe in the one true God who created heaven and earth. God is present in the earth, working on our behalf and orchestrating His plans but He is definitely distinct from it.

One of the beliefs of Astrology is that God and the universe are one and there is no distinction from God and nature. This Astrological philosophy is based on the occult worldview that proclaims "as above, so below". According to this line of thinking, everything is related, is connected and is one; therefore, the patterns of the planets reflect our lives on earth. When people read these views they are subtly accepting them or giving them value and in my opinion it is very dangerous.

The roots of Astrology come from ancient paganism and celebrate the idea that we must worship the planets as gods which in itself is sacrilegious. Most who are involved in Astrology practice other forms of New Age and occult practices as well such as tarot cards, numerology, having spirit guides, a belief in reincarnation, etc. God tells us in Deuteronomy 18:10 "Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, etc." so as you can see when we consult an Astrologer or read their predictions, we are not trusting in the Lord our God. We are stepping into a forbidden territory that can lead to other occultist practices. The reason it is dangerous is that as humans, when we find things to be true it peaks our curiosity. When our curiosity is peaked, we are tempted to go back for more which lays a foundation for more serious things to come.

I have heard people say, "But it's fun to read my horoscope." and my response is that God warns us in His Word not to go there so we must take a stand and resist the temptation to get involved. The information and guidance given comes from demonic sources much like that of a Psychic or Medium. There will be enough correct information presented that will entice you to keep going back for more and before you know it, you will be hooked. My friend, you should be consulting our Creator, the Lord our God not the created. There is a huge difference.

All throughout history we can read about the foolishness of God's people exchanging God's Truth for lies but we don't have to succumb to this folly. Let's don't be bamboozled into thinking horoscopes are harmless. God warned us because of His great love for us so let's heed His warnings, reject all forms of idolatry, and praise Him alone as our God and King.


Personalize this prayer.

Dear Lord,

Please forgive my ignorance in regards to horoscopes. I know, the idea that everyone reads them is no excuse. I'm sorry. It seemed so innocent and fun and I had absolutely no clue that You would be disappointed in me or that I would be sinning against You. Thank You for enlightening me to the Truth of Your Word. Please help me lay aside any and every inclination to read the horoscopes or be involved in occult practices of any kind. Turn my eyes towards You and You alone and I pray that You would be my source of Truth and godliness. Have your way with me, Lord, and lead me in the way of righteousness.

In Jesus Name,


#Christians #read #horoscopes #shouldChristiansreadhoroscopes #Romans #exchangedthetruthofGodforalie #Truth #worshiped #served #created #things #creator #Believe #Christ #accepted #LordandSavior #Lord #Savior #onetrueGod #heaven #earth #Godispresent #working #onourbehalf #orchestrating #Hisplans #distinct #beliefs #astrology #universe #Godandtheuniverseareone #nodistinction #nature #astrologicalphilosophy #occult #occultworldview #asabove #sobelow #lineofthinking #everythingisrelated #connected #patterns #planets #reflectourlives #earthpeople #readviews #accepting #givingthemvalue #opinion #dangerous #roots #ancientpaganism #idea #worshiptheplanetsasgods #sacrilegious #practice #otherforms #NewAge #tarotcards #numerology #spiritguides #reincarnation #Deuteronomy #sacrifices #sonordaughter #fire #divination #sorcery #interpretsomens #engagesinwitchcraft #consult #predictions #readtrusting #LordourGod #steppingintoaforbiddenterritory #forbiddenterritory #occultistpractices #humans #true #peaksourcuriosity #tempted #gobackformore #laysafoundation #foundation #seriousthings #fun #response #Godwarnsus #HisWord #nottogothere #stand #resist #temptation #information #guidance #demonicsources #Psychic #Medium #correctinformation #entice #enlightening #sinning #disappointed #TruthofYourWord #layaside #inclination #involved #turnmyeyes #sourceofTruth #godliness #haveyourwaywithme #leadme #wayofrighteousness #InJesusName

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