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  • Tamela Sue Wies

There's Just Something About That Name

Luke 2:21 "On the eighth day, when it was time to circumcise the baby, He was named Jesus, the name the angel had given Him before He was conceived."

There are many people who think long and hard about the names they will give their children. Some people choose a family name to give honor and respect to someone who has passed on or they choose the name of a famous person that they admire. Some look into the meaning behind the name and choose the name for the character trait it represents. Then there are those who just like the sound of a particular name and don't give it any other thought.

Joseph and Mary didn't get an opportunity to choose the name of their baby. Luke 1:31 tells us that an angel appeared to Mary and told her that she had found favor with God, that she was with child and that she was to call the baby's name Jesus. I'm sure she was a little shocked at the appearance of the angel and when she heard his proclamation she knew that God had already chosen this little baby boy's name. According to Jewish custom, he was given His name on the eighth day when it was time to circumcise the baby, He was named Jesus, the name the angel had revealed earlier. (Luke 2:21)

The name Jesus means Rescuer, Healer, or Savior. The Father in heaven called His Son a Savior and made Him a brother to us in order to tell us that we can all be saved. (Matt. 1:21). A great shadow has oppressed human kind since the fall of man, a hopelessness of the future and certainty of death; however, Jesus came to change all that. Because God the Father has given His Son the name "Jesus" we know that He has come to save His people from death. Jesus' name encompasses all of who He is and His name not only preaches salvation but it creates it. He draws people to Himself (John 12:32) and He initiates a relationship with us (Romans 5:8-10).

In the scriptures people's names had great significance as they were chosen carefully to reflect their character. Names were not given just to identify people -, they told a story about who that person was. That is why the names that were given to Jesus are so meaningful because they tell a story about what Jesus was actually like. By learning the meanings behind the names people gave Him we can see His character and a beautiful picture of the man that has changed the hearts of many.

Each of the names given to Jesus that are recorded in the Bible are literally an open window through which we can glean more understanding and see Jesus more clearly. When we are able to see who He is more clearly then we can come to know Him better. And knowing Him more intimately allows us to reflect all of who He is more completely to this lost and dying world that we live in.


Personalize this prayer.

Dear Lord,

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. There's just something about Your name. Master, Savior, Jesus, like fragrance after the rain. I'm so thankful that I was given an opportunity to know You. I don't know everything about You but what I do know has blessed me beyond measure. You have made such a difference not only in my life but in the lives of so many others. You are our all in all. Everything that we need or need to know can be found by coming to You. Apart from You we are nothing. You reign supreme above anything that has every been created and You hold the future in Your hands. Blessed be Your name now and forever more and let heaven and earth proclaim that You are Lord of All!

In Jesus name,


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