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  • Tamela Sue Wies

There Is Power In The Applied Blood of Jesus

For some reason God has me pondering the Truth that there is power in the blood and I have been singing about the blood of Jesus all afternoon. There has been no greater gift or no more important gift that we will ever receive than the blood of Jesus Christ yet I am not so sure that people fully comprehend the meaning behind it's power. We hear a lot about Jesus blood being shed for us which is very significant but we hear little about the blood being applied which I believe carries just as much of a meaningful symbolism.

In the book of Exodus we read about all the plagues God was sending to Egypt, one after another because Pharaoh kept hardening his heart and wouldn't let the Israelite people go follow Moses to the promise land. We read in Exodus 12:7 that the Israelite people were to take some of the blood from a slaughtered lamb and put it on all sides and the top of the door frame where the lambs were eaten. That night God was going to pass over Egypt and strike down the first born of the people and animals and bring judgement on all of Egypt. If there was blood on the door frame of a home He would pass over the home and no destructive plague would touch the family. In essence, if the blood of Jesus was APPLIED to the door frame of the house the people would be protected. It is a beautiful illustration of God's saving grace. God protected His own.

According to Romans 8:23 ALL of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We've all inherited a sinful nature and have been separated from having a relationship with a holy God and there is nothing that any one of us can do about it on our own. We need a Savior. 1 Peter 1:18-19 tells us that God paid a ransom for our sins and saved us from an empty life and He did so by sacrificing His One and only Son, Jesus. It was the precious blood of Christ, the spotless, sinless Lamb of God that died as a substitute for us by paying the death penalty for our sins that we couldn't pay ourselves. When we confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord and believe in our hearts that God raised Him from the dead, God, in His redeeming power, APPLIES the blood of Jesus to our debt and proclaims us saved and a part of His family, yet another instance where God protects His own from the power of sin and death.

God has made it possible for self centered, prideful, sinful people like you and me to be forgiven and be restored to a relationship with a loving God. Yes, there is still never ending power when the blood is APPLIED. Forgiveness of sins through the power of Jesus' blood is still available to all who will receive. It is a free gift from God given so that none can boast of their own handiwork.

What can wash away our sins? Nothing but the APPLIED blood of Jesus which has the power to break every chain and free those in bondage. If you haven't been washed in the blood of the Lamb then I challenge You to accept God's free gift of salvation and let Him APPLY the precious blood of the Lamb to Your indebtedness.

Without the blood of Jesus, we are defenseless against the devil and his evil schemes and tactics. Yes, it’s good to do good works., live a moral life and love others. But none of those things alone can cleanse, heal, or protect you. When it comes to your forgiveness and cleansing, your healing, protection, and deliverance, God is still looking at the blood! He is so holy that He can not look on sin so He needs to APPLY the blood on your behalf in order to have a relationship with You.


Personalize this prayer.

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for Your precious blood that washed away the sin that encumbered and enslaved me. Thank You for restoring my relationship with God and giving me a new life in You. It feels so good to be able to walk freely and have a new start on life. I love You. There are many people who I'm burdened for because they don't know You and still choose to live in bondage. I pray that You would earnestly seek after them and get their attention. Please save them from the power of sin and death and if You desire to use me, I'm available. May Your praise ever be on my lips so that all will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I'm yours.

In Jesus name,


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