Romans 12:11-13 "Never let the fire in your heart go out. Keep it alive. Serve the Lord. When you hope, be joyful. When you suffer, be patient. When you pray, be faithful. Share with God's people who are in need. Welcome others into your homes."
I met my husband in the fall of 1980 and I can remember the giddy fluttery exuberant feelings that filled my days from then on out. We were married in Dec. of 1982 and the same feelings have continued. We made our home on the college campus in married housing collecting stories that would humor us for years to come as we were crazy in love with one another. We all love to hear stories of how people fell in love but honestly, falling in love is the easy part. It is the sometimes monotonous day to day struggle of maintaining that love that requires a steadfast determined perseverance that often people aren't willing to sustain or put any effort toward.
Becoming a Christian is a lot like falling in love. When you meet Jesus Christ and fall in love you are a lot like the lame man at the temple who was healed through Peter and John. (Acts 3:8) You get up, jump and praise the Lord because you have come to know the One the is the lover of your soul. He has washed away all your sins and you are ecstatic, filled with promise and a peace that is in-explainable. Life is good and the joy that fills your soul can not compare to anything you've ever experienced before. You are a brand new creation in Christ and the feeling is wonderful, just like falling in love.
But as in marriage these wonderful euphoric feelings don't last forever. Trials and temptations come and wear us down. Stress creeps in and challenges the playing field. Your health might be compromised. You've become despondent from unanswered prayers. You've been betrayed by friendships that you were sure would endure. Your children have not followed your faith as you had hoped. With all of these unexpected hiccups how do you maintain your first love with Jesus Christ?
The truth is that relationship is very challenging. You must take time to remember how you first felt when you received Him as Lord and Savior and the time that you devoted to Him. You must take the time to sit at His feet, dwell on His Word and set aside time to talk to Him and listen. He has never left your side. As a matter of fact, He sits waiting for you to come back around and sup with Him. His Word says that He is enthralled with your beauty and that He delights in you. (Psalm 45:11 / Zephaniah 3:17)
After you have basked in His goodness then you must continue on in uncompromising determination to follow Him (Matt. 16:24-26) the rest of the days of your life. Start pouring over all that you know to be true and ask God to build on every promise and experience that you've had with Him. Rest in His steadfast love and trust Him with your whole being. He has plans for your life which are plans to prosper you and give you a hope and future. (Jeremiah 29:11) All you really need to do is surrender everything to the one who already holds you in the palm of His hands.
Bob and I will be married 36 years this December and are still hopelessly devoted to one another and very much in love. We can't imagine life any other way. How has this happened? I'd like to say that it's been a smooth sailing love affair but I'd be lying. We determined to be committed years ago and have worked hard to maintain our covenant with God and one another despite whatever trying circumstance came our way and there have been many of them.
Undivided commitment and pure devotion are the key to your relationship with God also. Romans 11:12-13 reminds us to never let the fire in our hearts go out. We are to keep the fire burning and keep serving the Lord. We are to be hopeful and joyful at all times, patient in suffering, and prayerfully faithful. We are to share with God's people who are in need and welcome others into our homes. Have you continued on in your first love with Jesus Christ? If not, go back and rekindle those flames. You won't be disappointed. If you've never received Him as your Lord and Savior, now is the perfect time to surrender your heart!
Personalize this prayer.
Dear Lord,
I have forgotten You, my first love. I come humbly surrendering to all of who You are to ask for Your forgiveness. Please, would You set me back on my feet and change my heart. I have fallen prey to the temptations of this world and the idea that I could do things on my own has literally slapped me in the face. I need You. I need You to remind me of Your promises and Your expectations of me. I long for Your unfailing love and Your tender touch. All that I desired to embrace was rubbish compared to Your steadfast enduring love. I know that my eyes were fixed on everything but that which was good and pure and holy. Cleanse me, Lord. Mold me and make me into Your likeness and help me to walk above the enticement of this world. Surround me with people who will hold me accountable and guide me towards righteousness. I want to be about Your business and I most definitely want Your will to be done in my life.
In Jesus Name,
#Rekindletheflames #rekindle #flames #fire #heart #alive #keepitalive #serve #servetheLord #hope #joyful #suffer #patient #pray #faithful #share #Godspeople #need #home #welcome #husband #1980 #fall #giddy #fluttery #exuberant #feelings #married #1982 #continued #madehome #welcomehomes #collegecampus #marriedhousing #stories #collecting #humor #crazy #love #hear #storiespeoplefeelinlove #fellinlove #fallinginginlove #lameman #temple #healed #Peter #John #Acts #gteup #jump #praise #Lord #One #loverofyoursoul #washed #washedaway #sins #ecstatic #filledwithpromise #peace #inexplainable #good #joythatfillsyoursoul #compare #experienced #brandnew #brandnewcreation #Christ #wonderful #euphoric #dontlastforever #trials #temptations #wearusdown #stress #creeps #creepsin #challenges #playingfield #health #compromised #despondent #unansweredprayers #betrayed #friendships #endure #children #followed #faith #hoped #unexpected #hiccups #maintain #firstlove #JesusChrist #truth #challenging #remember #receivedHim #LordandSavior #devotedtoHim #devoted #sitatHisfeet #dwell #HisWord #setasidetime #talk #listen #waiting #comeback #supwithHim #enthralled #beauty #delightsinyou #Psalm #Zephaniah #basked #goodness #determination #followHim #days #life #pouring #true #build #promise #experience #steadfastlove #trustHim #plans #prosper #future #surrender #holds #palmofHishands #36years #December #hopelesslydevoted #inlove #cantimagine #happened #amazingloveaffair #smoothsailing #loveaffair #lying #committed #workedhard #maintaincovenant #circumstance #pure #Romans #letthefireinourheartsgoout #deepthefireburning #serving #hopeful #joyfulpatient #goback #rekindlethoseflames #perfecttime #surrenderyourheart