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Study To Show Ourselves Approved

Tamela Sue Wies

Colossians 2:8 "See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ."

I have befriended a precious 86 year old Christian blind man who walks the downtown square once a week being led by his guide dog. He is so joyful and full of all kinds of wonderful knowledge. If my friend did not have his seeing eye dog he would walk through life ignorant and naive of the dangers that he was facing and could be injured. This dog has been professionally trained to not only guide him where he wants to go but to protect him from impending danger. The dog will not go forward when Mr. Lorance instructs him if he doesn't feel that it is safe so it is important that the dog is aware of his surroundings at all times.

Paul is warning the Christians of Colosae that they need to be aware at all times too. He was concerned that the false teachers in the area would try to speak into their lives with philosophy and deceptive speech and sway them to follow the traditions of man instead of the Truth of God's Word. The false teacher's traditions were hollow and involved principles that weren't adhered to any more as a means of salvation. They contained aspects of astrology and were satanic in origin which could not only lead them astray but set them up for danger if they weren't careful.

We are in danger of this same occurrence in our modern day society. They are multiple false teachers walking around trying to dissuade and coerce people into thinking that their reality or their beliefs are truth. And the greatest defense against succumbing to this falsehood and deception is to measure the teaching or the doctrine against God's Word. If a person does not know the doctrines of the Christian faith, they can easily be captured by false religions or enamored with false teachings. John 8:32 tells us that we must know the Truth because if we know the Truth of God's Word we will be free and won't be persuaded or influenced by anyone or by any means that's purpose is to encumber or entangle us.

Friends, make sure you are faithful in studying God's word and standing on what you know to be true. Be aware. If something is not of Christ and fails the test when it's measured against God's Word then we should not be participating in it or having any anything to do with it. The gulf between heaven and hell was bridged by Jesus Christ. He is the fullness of the Almighty God and we share in that fullness. When we are born into the family of God we are born complete in Christ. Warren Wiersby tells us that spiritual growth comes not by addition but by nutrition. We don't grow by adding to the Word of God but by being nurtured and filled by it.

Let's study to present ourselves to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the Word of Truth. 2 Timothy 2:15


Personalize this prayer.

Dear Lord,

Sadly many are walking around believing untruths and missing out on your glorious riches in Christ Jesus. They've exchanged the Truth of Your Word for a lie. Forgive them Father, they are ignorant and don't know what they are doing. Help me to continue in Your Word and be so confident in the Truth that I know that You might be able to use me to refute some of these lies. Help me to always speak the Truth in love when opportunity arises and may my words by gentle and full of grace. Open my eyes, Lord, and make me aware of anything or anyone that is not of You and then give me the fortitude to stay clear or refute upon Your leading. May I exemplify all of who You are at all times even if I'm being surrounded by falsehood. May I love generously and serve willingly no matter the circumstances.

In Jesus Name,


#study #show #approved #studytoshowourselvesapproved #Ciolossians #noone #takesyoucaptive #hollow #deceptivephilosophy #humantradition #spiritualforces #world #Christ #befriended #Christanblindman #walks #downtownsquare #led #guidedog #joyful #wonderful #knowledge #friend #seeingeyedog #walk #ignorant #naive #dangers #facing #injured #dog #professionallytrained #guide #protect #danger #forward #instructs #safe #aware #surroundings #atalltimes #Paul #warning #Christians #Colosae #concerned #falseteachers #area #speak #lives #philosophy #deceptivespeech #traditions #man #TruthofGodsWord #falseteachershollow #principles #salvation #astrology #satanic #occurrence #moderndaysociety #walking #dissuade #coerce #people #reality #beliefs #truth #defense #succumbing #falsehood #deception #measure #teaching #doctrine #GodsWord #Christianfaith #captured #religions #false #enamored #knowtheTruth #befree #persuaded #influenced #encumberorentangle #Friends #studying #standing #true #failsthetest #measured #notbeparticipating #gulf #heaven #hell #bridged #incarnation #fullness #AlmightyGod #born #familyofGod #borncompletespiritualgrowth #addition #nutrition #nurtured #filled #stdy #present #approvedworker #ashamed #correctly #handles #WordofTruth #walkingaround #believing #untruths #missingout #gloriousriches #exchanged #TruthofYourWord #lie #forgive #Father #dontknowwhattheyaredoing #helpme #continue #confident #refute #speakspeaktheTruthinlove #opportunity #words #gentle #fullofgrace #openmyeyes #fortitude #leading #exemplify #surroundedfalsehood #generously #matter #circumstances

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