John 10:10 "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
Jesus tells us in John 10:10 that he has come in order that we may have abundant life but what exactly does this abundant life look like? Scripture is very clear that this abundant life refers to a "new life" in Christ Jesus. 2 Corinthians 5:17 talks about this "new life" when it says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation. Old things have passed away and new things have come."
There are some who hear the word abundant and think of material gain but I'm pretty sure that is not what Jesus was talking about. It is true that He does financially bless some Christians with more than others but I think it has more to do with their need, faithfulness or maybe their willingness to give, who knows . . . but frankly, everything is His to decide what to do with according to His plans and purposes. We shouldn't be envious or angry towards those who have received material blessings. We are called to rejoice with them and truth be told, we are all truly blessed, it is just manifested in different ways.
One thing I do know is that thankfulness plays a big part in having an abundant life. Melody Beattie said it best when she said "Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order and confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into home, and a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow." When we live in contentment knowing that Jesus is all we need, expecting nothing and thankful for every little thing then we are able to have an abundance of joy that is foreign to this world. It's a contagious attitude that causes curiosity in others.
Living with this attitude in the midst of pain and suffering or any difficult circumstance also causes others to take a second look. People don't understand how Christians can have an abundance of joy and peace when their circumstances dictate otherwise. There have been many prayers that have gone up for healing or a change in circumstance that seemed to have gone unanswered; however, when you take a second look you see that God has brought peace and joy in the midst of all they are going through. Jesus never promised us a rose garden without thorns but He did promise us His Presence and His Peace in the midst of our turmoil which accounts for so much more.
I would venture to say that we have an abundant life when we have shared our "new life" with others. When we have enough of the blessings of God (love, joy, peace, grace, thankfulness, wisdom, faith, etc.) to share with others and we actually step out of our comfort zones to do it. It's the giving of ourselves and sharing of all that Jesus Christ has poured into us that truly makes this journey an abundant life.
Personalize this prayer.
Dear Lord,
I know that the secret in being blessed is being content in Jesus. Forgive me if I have failed to express my thankfulness in all you've done for me and all You're conforming me to be. I am grateful for the difference You have made in my life! The longings and desires of this world are no longer clamoring for my attention in my mind and I'm able to rest in the assurance that I can trust in You in all things. I praise You for being my Provider, my Comforter, my Guide and my Deliverer and I live each day willing to share all these truths should you send someone my way who needs to hear them. Your love has covered me like the warmth of a thick heavy farm quilt and weighted me with the irreplaceable knowledge of all of who You are. I love You! It is a joy and honor to follow You all the days of my life and impart all of what You mean to me to others. May Your Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven and may those who view my life be drawn closer to You. I pray that my life would exude the fragrance of the knowledge of all of who You are at every turn.
In Jesus Name,
#abundantlife #John #thief #steal #kill #destroy #Ihavecome #life #full #Jesus #scripture #clear #newlife #ChristJesus #oldthings #passedaway #newthings #hear #word #abundant #think #materialgain #talking #financiallybless #Christians #need #faithfulness #willingnesstogive #give #decide #His #planspurposes #envious #angry #rejoice #blessed #manifested #differentways #thankfulness #bigpart #MelodyBeattie #gratitude #unlocks #fillnessoflife #enough #more #denial #acceptance #chaos #order #confusion #clarity #meal #feast #house #home #stranger #friend #makessense #past #peace #today #vision #tomorrow #liveincontentment #contentment #knowing #Jesusisallweneed #expectingnothing #thankfulforeverylittlething #abundanceofjoy #foreign #world #contagiousattitude #curiosity #attitude #pain #suffering #circumstance #unanswered #secondlook #see #God #neverpromised #rosegarden #withoutthorns #thorns #presence #peHispeace #HisPresence #turmoil #shared #blessingsofGod #love #grace #thankfulnesswisdom #faith #comfortzones #givingofourselves #pouredintous #journey #secret #content #forgiveme #failed #express #thankfulnessconforming #grateful #difference #lifelongings #desires #clamoring #attention #mind #rest #assurance #trust #prise #Provider #Comforter #Guide #Delivererwillingtoshare #truths #Yourlove #covered #warmth #thick #heavy #farm #quilt #weighted #irreplaceable #knowledge #IloveYou #honor #followYou #days #impart #MayYourKingdomcome #earth #heaven #closer #pray #exude #fragrance #ateveryturn #InJesusuName #Amen