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Truly The Son Of God

Tamela Sue Wies

In all three Gospels (Matthew 14:22-36), Mark 6:45-56, John 6:16-21) you can read the spectacular account of Jesus walking on the water. The story takes place on the Sea of Galilee which is located in the lower part of the Jordan Valley in a mountain range. This particular body of water is known to have very sudden strong forceful winds which are caused by the collision of the cold air rushing down the mountains and the warm moist air rising off the surface of the water.

The story begins as the disciples went down to the lake in the evening, got into a boat and set off across the lake headed to Capernaum. It was dark and Jesus hadn't come to them yet. As they rowed, a strong wind began to blow and the waters became increasingly rough. The Bible says that when they had rowed three or four miles, they saw Jesus approaching the boat, walking on the water; and they were terrified. He said, ‘It is I; don’t be afraid.’ This calmed them enough for them to take him into the boat, and immediately the boat reached the shore where they were heading. (John 6:16–21)

The storm was raging, the disciples were terrified and exhausted and I'm sure that when they saw Jesus walking on the water they couldn't believe their eyes. Mark reported that they thought they had seen a ghost. Undoubtedly they had never seen anything like this before. They had already been rowing 9 hours and they might have thought they were imagining things. But of course they weren't. Jesus spoke to them and when they allowed him into the boat, He not only calmed them, He calmed the storm as well. Jesus walking on the water was the first miracle of the day. Why do you supposed they didn't recognize Him? I'd like to think that they weren't looking for Him, they would never have dreamed He would walk out to them on the water nor would we if we had been there. Their eyes were fixed on their turmoil instead of the Truth. If they had waited patiently, they would have known Him immediately and not jumped to conclusions.

The second miracle of Jesus calming the sea proved that He is in control even of the elements, something only God is capable of. He spoke and the waters and the winds died down. Can you imagine the scene? If the disciples had not truly been on board before, they believed that day. The Bible tells us that as soon as the winds died down they said, "Surely, you are the Son of God" and they proceeded to worship Him. These men were experienced at rowing a boat, some of them fishing at all hours of the night and in all types of weather. This was truly a miracle in their eyes.

This was the first time the disciples worshiped Jesus which accounts for the third miracle. They now acknowledged Him for who He really was. This was a turning point in their relationship with Him and their faith began to grow. When our eyes are finally opened to Truth and we see things as they are God can accomplish so much. These men loved the Lord but after the events of this particular day their lives were forever changed.

I think we often get so comfortable that we, like the disciples, begin to focus more on our struggles that we do on our Savior who is in control of all things. If you've been wallowing in weariness I challenge you to look beyond your circumstances to the One who can truly make a difference. If you've traded the Almighty for the mundane then I challenge you to refocus. Look for God's power and take time to experience His unfailing love!


Personalize this prayer.

Dear Lord,

Forgive me for taking my eyes off You I've forgotten how it felt to live in full anticipation and expectation of You and I so want to live vibrantly again. Please restore to me the faith that I once cherished and fill my heart with eagerness to see You at work and experience Your steadfast love. I long for the times past when I saw You show up in the midst of all that I was doing. I know that You love me but I'm afraid I haven't been very good at responding to that love. I surrender my whole self to You this very moment and will earnestly wait to sup with You once again. My hope is in You, Lord. I realize that my strength comes only from Your hand. You alone are my portion and my song and it is in You who I place my trust.

In Jesus Name,


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