Hebrews 13:6 "So we say with confidence,“The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?”
Have you ever been at a place in your life when your problems seem mountainous and so obstructive that you are blinded to the fact that God is able to do increasingly more than we can ever imagine? Sometimes it takes those close to us to bring remembrance of the power of God to work in those situations. I love Hebrews 13:6 which reminds us that we are to say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?”
The feeding of the 5,000 is a perfect example of not only God's power and provision but His care and concern. It is the only story that is written about in all four Gospels so the disciples must have felt that it was very monumental in their faith. A crowd had gathered to listen to Jesus speak and Jesus' disciples were resolute in sending them away because they were all in need of food which was not available at their location. Jesus had another idea. He told the disciples to feed them. Once again the disciples were taken aback because logically, they had absolutely no food to feed these people and couldn't afford the money it would take to buy food for them. The Greek term for these people meant 5,000 males. Biblical scholars believe there were actually 15,000-20,000 people in their midst which included women and children. This request of Jesus was colossal to them and as far as they thought, very irrational.
Once again, Jesus used this incident to show His Father's glory. He took 5 loaves and 2 fish, a very insignificant contribution, gave thanks for what they had (their situation), and multiplied it so there was enough for all to eat with 12 baskets left over. What a fete! He not only fed the people but he lavishly supplied them food which means he gave over and above what was needed. The Bible tells us that everyone was satisfied and they were content with all that Jesus was offering them.
Friends, If we will just trust the Lord with the mountains in our life at every turn, He will turn even the molehills of our faith into stupendous venues for His glory to be shown. He can turn our greatest obstacle into something to be revered. He can diffuse a difficult situation and bring unity and peace. He can provide an over abundance of help where we are completely lacking. He is a God full of extreme possibilities and unlimited resources and will come to our aid if we will just turn to Him and ask. Often He will come at the last minute when we have nowhere else to turn so that we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the results are from Him and Him alone. I have personally seen that happen time and time again. He may not come when we want Him but He will be there right on time for sure.
Do you have a mountain that you are trying to climb on your own? If you are a Believer in Jesus Christ and will just surrender it to Him, you will see Him jump in to help you, The results will be exceedingly greater than anything you can imagine yet may not be as you wanted or expected. He will do what is best for you in the situation you are facing. Little is much when God is in it and He can do great things despite what seems to be an impossible situation.
Personalize this prayer.
Dear Lord,
Whew! Life is hard and the challenges I face overwhelm me. There is no way that on my own I can overcome all that is coming against me. Forgive me for not immediately turning to you. I'm sorry. I've been dumpster diving and feel like I'm buried so deep that there is no way in a million years I'll ever be able to dig myself out. I am reminded today by your Word that you are in the saving business. I wish I could say that I've been walking with you but over the years I've lost my way. Please restore me back to where I have belonged all along, in your presence. I want to know you more and I will strive to practice your presence daily but right now this one thing is obscuring my view. It has consumed me and I don't see a solution that makes any sense. I surrender to you and ask that you please show me how to resolve this mess. Guide me, enlighten me and show me what I need to do or who I need to go to in order to work my way out of this. Deliver me from these chains that have encumbered my life and restricted me from anything good. Help! My burdens are heavy and I long to yoke myself to you so that you will help me carry this load. I will wait in earnest expectation for you to reveal your will. In you do I place my trust!
In Jesus Name,
#LIttleismuchwhenGodisinit #littleismuch #God #place #life #problems #mountainous #obstructive #blinded #Godisable #increasingly #imagine #remembrance #powerofGod #work #situations #Hebrews #love #reminds #confidence #theLordismyhelper #afraid #mortals #feeding #5 #000perfectexample #Godspower #provision #care #concern #story #written #Gospels #disciples #monumental #faith #crowd #gathered #listen #Jesus #speak #disciplesresolute #sending #food #available #location #idea #feed #takenaback #logically #absolutely #afford #money #Greektermmales #Biblicalscholars #midst #women #children #request #irrational #incident #show #Fathersglory #5loaves #2fish #insignificant #contribution #gavethanks #multiplied #eat #baskets #leftover #fete #lavishly #supplied #overandabove #satisfied #content