2 Peter 1:12-15 "So I will always remind you of these things, even though you know them and are firmly established in the truth you now have. I think it is right to refresh your memory as long as I live in the tent of this body, because I know that I will soon put it aside, as our Lord Jesus Christ has made clear to me. And I will make every effort to see that after my departure you will always be able to remember these things."
I heard my daughter use a phrase this week that triggered my memory of years past. She said, "How many times do I have to tell you?" Now, I didn't tell her to say it nor had we talked about anything recently that would have prompted her which means that she was reminding her children of a conversation that they had had recently. I remember saying that same phrase to my children when they were growing up so I'm sure that it must be a common thread within the parenting years.
Evidently, whether it's intentionally or natural, children need to be reminded again and again in certain situations in order for a principle or a habit to become fixed in their memory. I'm afraid that the same holds true for us, as adults. Unfortunately, we all have short memories and can easily be persuaded to believe false doctrine especially if it is appealing and sadly, entertaining. If we are not constantly reminded of sound doctrine whether it be from the pulpit or in our daily reading and listening to God's Word, then we are vulnerable to drifting from our faith or wavering in belief. No matter where we’re at in the Lord, we need sound teachers to remind us often of the basic truths of the faith so that we will stay on course.
The Bible is the strongest source of Truth we have. Peter, Paul, John and Jude all took time to write about remembering or holding fast to what they knew as Truth and to contend earnestly for the faith. In 2 Peter the Apostle Peter is writing to Christians who have been dispersed within the Roman Empire and is telling them that as long as he is in the tent of his body (his earth suit), he will continue to remind them of the Truths the Lord made known to him. And that he will make sure that there is someone to remind them after he has gone to glory to be with the Lord. All the apostles were very concerned that the churches remain steadfast in the basic doctrines of the faith and not be drawn away.
If you have spent any time in God's Word, you have no doubt noticed that the Bible repeats itself over and over and over again. It may be a different person writing but the same basic Truths or principles are driven home time and time again in every book and chapter reminding us of what is important and necessary in order to live a godly life. It is as if God is trying to make sure that we understand and put into practice what He is trying to say!! He knows us and He is probably thinking, "How many times do I have to tell you?"
There is nothing new under the sun and as in days of old, in these modern times people are trying to tell us that there is no such thing as absolute Truth especially in the spiritual realm and they are preaching inclusiveness every time we turn around. The company my husband works for prides itself on being tolerant and inclusive and celebrates sinful practices as being normal and good. It is a true sign that the end times are upon us and shows us how important it is that we stand firm on what we believe and not fall prey to this ignorance. "They've exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen." Romans 1:25
As Believers in Jesus Christ, it is our responsibility to not only remain steadfast ourselves but to remind others at every opportunity to be on their guard. We must all continually stir up the gift of our salvation and rejoice in the Lord so as not to drift off into dangerous uncharted territories. How do you continue to bring to remembrance the Truths that have been imparted to you?
Personalize this prayer.
Dear Lord,
I love you, Lord, but I know the realty that time has a tendency of causing us to forget. I do not want to fall prey to all the world throws my way so I ask that you would remind me often of the gift of my salvation and the Truth it represents. Please continually bring to remembrance Your promises and Your expectations of me and surround me with other Believers who can speak into my life and love me for who I am. It is easier to remain steadfast and sure when I have godly Believers walking with me in this life who can come to me aid and lift me up. Show me how I can be there for them also when they are in need. Help me not to be drawn away by those who are tickling my ears and spouting untruths but give me the ability to witness to them and pray for them that they may come to know You as I do. Radiate Your Holy Spirit from me so profoundly that anyone who comes in my midst will be able to sense Your presence. I want to be all about You and reek with a holy boldness that is unlike anything they have ever seen or witnessed before. Shine Jesus shine in and through me at every turn.
In Jesus Name,
#HowmanytimesdoIhavetotellyou #times #2Peter #remind #things #truth #right #refresh #memory #live #tent #body #LordJesusChrist #madeclear #effort #after #departure #remember #heard #daughter #phrase #week #triggered #memoryyearspast #talked #prompted #reminding #children #conersation #growingup #commonthread #parenting #years #intentionally #natural #reminded #situations #principle #habit #fixed #adults #shortmemories #persuaded #falsedoctrine #appealing #sadly #entertaining #sounddoctrine #pulpit #dailyreading #listening #GodsWord #vulnerable #drifting #faith #wavering #belief #Lord #teachers #basictruths #stayoncourse #Bible #strongestsource #Truth #Peter #Paul #John #Jude #write #remembering #holdingfast #ApostlePeter #Christians #RomanEmpire #dispersed #telling #earthsuit #Truths #gone #glory #concerned #churches #remainsteadfast #drawnaway #Biblerepeatsitself #different #person #samebasicTruths #drivenhome #book #chapter #important #necessary #godlylife #understand #putintopractice #nothingnewunderthesun #daysofold #moderntimes #people #absoluteTruth #spiritualrealm #preaching #inclusiveness #company #husband #prides #worksfor #tolerant #inclusive #celebrates #sinful #practices #normal #good #truesign #endtimes #standfirm #believe #fallprey #ignorance #exchanged #Truthlie #worshiped #served #createdthings #Creator #praised #responsibility #opportunity #guard #stirup #giftofoursalvation #salvation #rejoice #driftoff #dangerous #unchartedterritories #imparted #continue #realty #tendency #causing #forget #world #throws #represents #promises #expectations #surround #Believers #speak #life #love #whoIam #easier #sure #godly #walking #lifeaid #liftmeup #need #drawnawaytickling #ears #spoutinguntruths #ability #witness #pray #cometoknowYou #radiate #HolySpirit #profoudly #midst #senseYourpresence #reek #holyboldness #witnessedbefore #unlikeanything #Shine