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Tamela Sue Wies

Isaiah 26:3,4 "You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in You. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord Himself, is the Rock eternal."

Where do you turn to when you feel like you are at the end of your rope and stress has left you feeling defeated?

Three years ago my husband and I walked through a very difficult situation with two of our children. Our son's wife, who we lovingly consider our second daughter, was expecting twin boys. She had gone to a regular doctor's appointment and found that one of the boys had already passed away. We were all numb and bewildered but immediately turned to the Lord because past experience disclosed to us that He was in charge of all things and that He had allowed this. It was a part of His plan for their lives. Knowing this; however, didn't make it any easier. It is difficult to watch your children go through hard times without being able to help them.

Jehovah-Shalom made Himself known to us in a powerful way during the intense days that followed and thankfully my brother-in-law, who is a pastor, stepped in to give us guidance and show us how to cope with all that was being thrown our way. We had an insurmountable peace that could only be explained as coming from God who guided us to be calm, encouraging, and steadfast in our faith.

God revealed Himself to Gideon as Jehovah-Shalom in a very dark time in Israel's history also. The Israelites had done evil in the sight of the Lord and He gave them over to the Midianites for seven years of bondage. Gideon was insecure and argued with God about choosing him to lead the Midianites out of bondage after those 7 years; however, God doesn't make mistakes and if you read the entire story of Gidean in Judges 6 you will see that not only did God give Gideon peace in the midst of all that was happening but He empowered him to victoriously lead the Israelites out of bondage.

The word "Peace" in the Bible refers to a mental form of tranquility based on a relationship with God. There is no peace apart from the grace of God. The Cross of Christ is the focal point of grace and grace is the source of our peace but it is not just peace that the Lord gives us when we are His child, He gives us HIS peace and that makes all the difference in the world! Isaiah 26:3,4 promises us that if we are steadfast in our faith and trust the Lord that He will keep us in peace, something that I do not ever want to be without again.

If your life is full of chaos and turmoil won't you look to the Lord? He is the only one who can give you peace in the midst of pother (commotion).


Personalize this prayer.

Dear Lord,

I want to know Your peace. I am tired of struggling and trying to figure things out for myself. Please forgive me for trying to do things the hard way. I am realizing that I don't always know what is best. It seems it is quicker to take detours but the outcome is never what I expect so I'm willing to surrender to Your will and Your ways. Please forgive me for being a lone agent and restore me into Your favor once again. You are the Truth and the Light and I know that You can work all things for good because I'm Yours. Take what I've messed up or what has come to me and work it all for good, Lord. I pray that You would afford me Your peace in the midst of it all. Calm my fears and help me to trust in You at every turn.

In Jesus Name,


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