Isaiah 40:11 "He tends his flock like a shepherd: he gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young."
Jehovah-Raah is derived from Ro'eh which means shepherd. It can mean the Lord is my Shepherd or more intimately, the Lord is my Friend or my Companion. It has a reference of being near or having a closeness to those that He cares for. He watches and tends to us. He protects and provides. He listens and comes to the rescue when His beloved sheep are lost.
The Lord being my Shepherd is very comforting to me. There is a sweetness and an endearment that comes along with His guidance and a genuine desire to care for the well being of His own. Just knowing that He would search high and low to come to my aid if I was in trouble brings solace and peace and allows me to be able to rest and entrust the details of my life to Him.
The Bible talks a lot about shepherds and as a matter of fact, the Israelites always had someone who was a shepherd. Abel kept watch over the flocks. Abraham, Lot, Isaac and Jacob kept sheep. Joseph's family came to Egypt during the famine and Pharaoh asked them to stay and be shepherds. Moses spent 40 years in the desert as a shepherd. David was a shepherd before He became king. Jesus called Himself a true Shepherd and promised never to abandon His sheep. Shepherds were common in Biblical times so when Jesus spoke of Himself as a Shepherd the people would have totally understood the meaning behind His illustrations.
I have been told that sheep are some of the dumbest animals on earth. They blindly follow each other without any notion of danger sometimes falling over cliffs or into fatal predicaments. They cannot care for themselves and can easily get infested with pestering flies and become sickly. They were not created with hooves, claws, or powerful jaws to ward off predators so they are vulnerable not only to other creatures but to the elements as well. They will not drink from running water and are basically helpless animals that totally depend on someone to lead them and take care of them at all times.
It is a sad scenario, but we really can compare ourselves to sheep and God to the Good Shepherd. As humans, we are vulnerable and sometimes fall into the same pattern of sin over and over and over again. We tend to follow the ways of the world and long to fit in. We want to drink from societies fountains and bath in the luxuries that the world says we deserve. We can't defend ourselves from the evil that prevails all around us and are pretty much nothing apart from our Shepherd who knows all and is all that we will ever need. Jesus must look at us and shake his head from time to time yet He still sees all of us as clueless individuals worth saving. Praise the Lord!
Jesus' response to our oblivious ignorance is gentle compassion. He watches over us, cares for us, provides for our needs and protects us from the wiles of the evil one. Isaiah 40:11 paints a beautiful picture of God's love. "He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; He gently leads those that have young."
Do you seek a shepherd who will dearly love and protect you? Are you longing for someone to come alongside to carry your burdens and provide for your needs? Jehovah-Raah, the Good Shepherd sits waiting to welcome you in His open arms.
Personalize this prayer.
Dear Lord,
It is obvious that I'm lost without You and I need You every minute of every hour of every day. Everywhere I look I see people that are forlorn, forgotten and searching for answers. It breaks my heart because I see myself in them before I knew you. Open their hearts, Lord. Work in them a hunger and thirst for a Shepherd who can love and care for them. Give them a yearning for someone to come alongside of them and guide them into all righteousness. I'm available, Lord. Use me however you desire to reach those who are wandering. Thank you for loving on me and keeping me close to You despite all that You have going on. I will never take You for granted and appreciate all the wisdom and direction You give. May others feel Your peace when they are near me and be drawn to You because of the difference you've made in my life.
In Jesus Name,
#JehovahRaah #Isaiah #tends #flock #tendshisflock #shepherd #gathers #lambs #arms #carries #close #heart #gently #leads #young #derived #Roehmeans #Lord #theLordismyshepherd #intimately #Friend #Companion #reference #near #closeness #care #watches #protects #provides #listens #comes #comestotherescue #belovedsheep #lost #comforting #sweetness #endearment #guidance #genuine #desire #carewellbeing #Hisown #knowing #search #highandlow #come #aid #trouble #introuble #brings #solace #peace #allows #tobeable #rest #entrust #details #life #Bible #talks #matteroffact #Israelites #Abel #overtheflocks #flocks #Abraham #Lot #Isaac #Jacob #kept #Josephsfamily #family #Egypt #famine #Pharoah #stay #Moses #40years #desert #David #king #Himself #trueshepherd #promised #abandon #common #Biblicaltimes #spoke #people #understood #meaning #illustrations #behind #dumbest #animals #earth #blindly #follow #notion #danger #falling #cliffs #fatal #predicaments #careinfested #pesteringflies #sickly #created #hooves #claws #powerfuljaws #wardoff #predators #vulnerable #creatures #elements #drink #runningwater #water #helpless #basically #animalstotallydepend #depend #takecareofthem #timessadscenario #ourselves #GoodShepherd #humans #vulnerablefallinthesamepattern #patternofsin #ways #world #waysoftheworld #fitin #drinksocieites #fountains #bath #luxuries #deserve #defend #evil #prevails #around #nothing #apart #knows #all #knowsall #need #look #shakeHishead #fromtimetotime #sees #clueless #individuals #saving #worthsaving #Jesus #response #oblivious #ignorance #gentle #compassion #watchesover #cares #providesneeds #protectswiles #evilone #paints #beautiful #picture #Godslove #seek #dearly #love #longing #slongside #carryyourburdens #sits #kwaiting #welcome #openarms #layaside #will #lovingembrace #awaits #personalize #prayer #obvious #lostImlostwithoutYou #minute #hour #everyday #lookpeople #forlorn #forgotten #searching #answers #breaks #heartknew #open #hearts #work #hunger #thirst #yearning #guide #righteousness #available #desirereach #wandering #keeping #loving #granted #wisdom #direction #give #feel #Yourpeace #neardrawn #difference