Of all the social blunders, none is more common than meeting a new person, exchanging names and then immediately forgetting their name. You are either forced to suck it up and ask their name once again or forever live with uncertainty, hoping for an opportunity to ask someone else who might have recalled it. Why do you suppose we make this mistake? The biggest reason is that we just don't take an interest or think it is important which is so sad. If we are striving to be like Christ, we must find ways to learn people's names and make a determined effort to retain them. Just knowing that God knows my name makes me feel special so I can imagine how other's feel when I acknowledge them by saying their name.
The many different names of God have been rolling around in my head lately. In times past a person's name revealed a lot about their character. When we look at the many names of God we can see how this plays out because each name tells us a little something more about the character and person of God.
The name of God I am focusing on today is Jehovah-Nissi which means "The Lord Is My Banner". I love this name, it is so beautiful and reminds me of my marching band years. Often the school banner would go before us which announced that the marching band was coming. It lead the way for all the diligence and hard work that was coming behind. If we are living in God's will, He is actually leading the way into the battles that He desires that we face. If you think long and hard about it, they are actually His battles but He chooses to use our vessels in the mix of things either to strengthen us or reveal part of His character to us. We aren't asked to face these battles alone. He orchestrates them, uses us in the process and has promised us victory on the other side. I think the key word here is trust. We must trust Him in the midst of all that happens. He knows what is best for us and His timing is perfect. Proverbs 3:5,6 tells us to "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct Your paths straight."
The first time we see the word Jahoveh-nissi is in the story of Joshua fighting against Amalek in Exodus 17. Moses told Joshua to get some men and fight against Amalek. When Moses lifted up his hands holding God's staff, Joshua and the men were successful but when his arms grew tired and fell down Amalek prevailed. Aaron and Hur ended up holding Moses' arms up until sunset and Joshua and the Israelites defeated the Amalekites. Moses knew the battle was really all about God. God initiated it and used the vessels of Moses, Aaron, Hur, Joshua and the Israelites to carry out His plan. It was His power and His presence that prompted a victorious outcome.
Is the battle you are facing one that you have chosen and outside of God's will? Are you fighting in your own strength? If the Lord hasn't initiated this battle then you can be sure that defeat is forthcoming and there will not be a victory. God can, however, work everything out for good if you will completely surrender Your life to Him and obey His commands. He can turn your mess into a miracle if you will let Him. He can move mountains to turn your mistake into something worthwhile if you will just call out His name.
Personalize this prayer.
Dear Lord,
I do not want to fight battles unless they come from You. I don't have the strength or energy to pour myself into something that will most assuredly be defeated. If my steps begin to turn outside of Your will, will you please just turn me around. I want to walk closely with You and pursue Your ways as I've ventured off before and I know what that looks like. I know Your ways are perfect and Your timing is best so I surrender all of who I am into Your loving arms to do as You will. May Your banner of love go before me and hem me in from behind and protect me. I want to be about Your business only and I long to help others do the same. Help me to march onward in total confidence that You are on my side leading and guiding every move that I make, every step that I take, every word that I speak and orchestrating Your plans, not mine.
In Jesus Name,
#Jehovahnissi #socialblunders #common #meeting #newperson #new #person #exchanging #names #forgetting #na #name #forced #suckitup #asktheirname #ask #live #uncertainty #hoping #opportunity #so #someoneelse #recalled #suppose #make #mistake #biggest #reason #takeaninterest #important #sad #striving #like #likeChrist #Christ #ways #learn #peoplesdetermined #effort #retain #God #knows #myname #makes #special #feel #feelacknowledge #saying #many #different #rolling #around #rollingaround #head #timespast #revealed #character #look #playsout #something #personfocusing #theLordismybanner #means #banner #beautiful #reminds #marchingbandyears #schoolbanner #announced #gobeforeus #marchingband #coming #leadtheway #diligence #hardwork #behind #livingGodswill #battles #face #Hisbattles #Hechooses #chooses #ourvessels #use #inthemix #inthemixofthings #strengthen #reveal #characteralone #orchestrates #usesus #intheprocess #process #promised #victory #trust #midst #all #Heknowswhatisbest #Histimingisperfect #best #ti #timing #perfect #Proverbs #Lord #heart #leannot #understanding #acknowledge #direct #paths #straight #first #time #word #see #story #Joshua #fightingagainst #Amalek #Exodus #Moses #told #Joshuamen #liftedup #hands #holding #Godsstaff #successful #arms #grew #tired #armsgrewtired #felldown #prevailed #AmalekAaron #Hur #up #sunset #defeated #A #Amalekites #knew #allaboutGod #initiated #vessels #Israelites #carryout #plan #power #presence #prompted #victoriousoutcome #facing #chosen #outside #Godswill #fighting #strength #own #forthcoming #workeverythingoutforgood #completely #surrender #life #obeyHiscommands #commands #turn #mess #miracle #move #mountains #mistakesomethingworthwile #callutHisname #lovingarms #business #venturedoff #timingenergy #steps #confidence #helpme