Have you ever done work for someone who you could never please? It could be a boss, a parent, a spouse, a co-worker or even a close friend that you are helping yet it is obvious that what you are doing just isn't cutting it for them and they have no qualms about letting you know it. I've been there and it's so frustrating. You strive to do your best yet nothing is quite good enough. You feel deflated, defeated, and defunct all at the same time.
My friend, that is exactly what happens when we try to depend on our own righteousness to please a loving God. Everything we do to try to appease Him is as filthy rags. (Isaiah 62:6) The Bible says that not one of us is righteous (Romans 3:10). We can spend our time doing one good work after another until we are blue in the face but it will not bring us into a right relationship with God.
2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us that if any man be found in Christ he is a new creation and it is at this point that Christ's righteousness is imputed to us (salvation). Jesus' righteousness is the only righteousness that counts for anything because it is a perfect righteousness. This is why we must be in Christ to be reconciled to God. Jesus, as God and man, perfectly satisfied God’s righteous standard by His sinless life, and then, by His atoning work on the cross, He took on the penalty of the sins of all mankind. “For He has made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him” 2 Cor. 5:21. His righteousness is given to us as a free gift through faith (Philippians 3:9).
Jehovah-Tsidkenu means "The Lord our Righteousness". It is one of the names of God that should give us great comfort and peace because we don't have to depend on our own righteousness to please a loving God. God is our Righteousness! Tsidkenu is derived from the word tsedek. It originally meant “to be stiff or straight" and was used of honest business practices. It is also used in a spiritual sense of doing the right and moral thing in various situations. The name Jehovah-Tsidkenu comes to fruition in Jeremiah 23:6 "In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, "THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS." Unfortunately, there was not much righteousness in the last days of Judah’s Kingdom. The King, Zedekiah (dubbed "The Righteous One") did not live up to his name. Instead his life was, like so many of the kings, “evil in the sight of the Lord” (2 Kings. 24:19). In that very time, however, the Bible focused attention away from that King, to the Greater King, whose name is Jehovah-Tsidkenu, “The Lord our Righteousness”.
We are accepted into God's presence because He has provided for us through the cleansing of the blood of the Lamb. If we are Believers in Jesus Christ, He wraps us inside His righteousness so that only the blood is seen when God looks upon us.
Personalize this prayer.
Dear Lord,
All hail the power of Your name, Jesus! I deem You my Lord, the Righteous One. There was a time when I didn't understand the work of Your salvation. I was clueless but yet I knew there was more to life. Now, there is not a day that goes by that I don't sing Your praises. You are the reason that I sing. You are the reason I can crawl out of bed in the morning and face a new day. You make it possible to face the challenges of life head on. Your love carries me despite the ugliness this world embodies. You are my strength and my shield and it is You in whom I place my trust. You have proven Yourself faithful and steadfast over and over and over again and I cling to the promises that are sewn into Your Word. You are great! You are mighty and powerful and there is no one that can compare to even the shadow of Your presence! You are my Righteous King!
In Jesus Name,
#JehovahTsidkenu #work #someone #neverplease #boss #parent #spouse #coworker #closefriend #helping #obvious #isntcuttingit #noqualms #letting #know #Ivebeenthere #frustrating #strive #best #nothingisquitegoodenough #deflated #defeated #defeateddefunct #sametime #friend #exactly #happens #depend #onourown #righteousness #please #lovingGod #lovingGodeverything #do #try #appease #Him #filthyrags #Isaiah #Bible #says #notone #righteous #Romans #spendourtime #doing #workgood #blueintheface #bring #right #relationship #2Corinthians #man #found #Christ #newcreation #point #Christsrighteousness #imputed #salvation #only #righteousnesscounts #anything #perfectrighteousness #reconciled #Jesus #mansatisfied #righteousstandard #standard #sinlesslife #life #atoningworkonthecross #workcross #took #penalty #sins #mankind #madeHim #sinforus #freegift #through #faith #Philippians #TheLordourRighteousness #namesofGod #greatcomfort #peace #dependonourown #derived #word #tsedek #tobestifforstraight #used #honest #business #practices #spiritualsense #rightmoral #situations #fruition #Jesremiah #saved #Israel #dwellsafely #lastdays #JudahsKingdom #KingZedekiah #TherighteousOne #didnotliveupto #kings #evilinthesightoftheLord #2Kings #focusedattention #away #GreaterKing #accepted #Godspresence #provided #cleansingofthebloodoftheLambbloodoftheLa #Believers #JesusChrist #wraps #inside #Hisrighteousness #onlytheblood #seen #Godlooksuponus #allhail #power #Yourname #Jesusdidntunderstand #workofYoursalvation #clueless #moretolife #notaday #singYourpraises #reason #thatIsing #Icancraloutofbed #morning #faceaenwday #possible #facethechallenges #lifeheadon #lovecarriesmedespitetheugliness #world #embodies #strength #shield #wjomIplacemytrust #provenyourselffaithful #steadfast #overandover #Clingtothepromises #sewnintoYourWord #great #mighty #powerful #noone #compare #shadowofYourpresence #RighteousKing #JesusName #Amen