Genesis 16:13 "She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.”"
In Genesis 16 we see the story of Hagar come alive. She was Abraham's wife's maidservant. If you are unfamiliar with the story, take some time to read the details of all that was happening. Ultimately, Sarai began mistreating Hagar so Hagar fled to get away from the abuse. An angel of the Lord found Hagar near a spring on the road to Shur, comforted her, promised her many things, and encouraged her to return to her mistress and submit to her. It was at this point that Hagar gave the name "El Roi" to God. Genesis 16:13 says, "She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her. "You are the God who sees me," for she said, "I have now seen the One who sees me.""
As we can see, Hagar's God had her in His sights and did not leave her alone in her troubles. Hagar's God is the one who can count the number of hairs on our heads, who sees our past, present and future. When we pray to "El Roi", we are praying to the One who sees and knows absolutely everything about us. Nothing is hidden from His sight (Hebrews 4:13) and He does not sleep so in essence He is on call at all times. (Psalm 121:3,4)
Think about this, Children sing about Santa Clause knowing and seeing all; however, our God not only sees all and knows all but He can actually step in and do something about it. He can provide help when we feel helpless and can strengthen us when we are weak. He can change our circumstances at the drop of a hat or send someone our way to give us a hand when we are overwhelmed. He can bring healing and wholeness when our hearts are breaking or turn a trying situation into a calm, uneventful discourse. He can bring unexpected income when the coffer is bare or provide what is needed when we least expect. We serve an awesome God!
I love the kindness, care and concern that "El Roi" portrays. He chases after us, walks beside us, goes before us and literally has the answer to our life's situations even before we ask. He is the One who sees when we are lonely and feeling unloved or maybe just need a reminder that He is there. He is the one who can see the mess we've made but will turn it into a miracle if we let Him or take devastation and use it to make a difference in someone else life.
"El Roi" sees all the affairs of His children and doesn't miss a beat. Won't you turn over all that You are trying to juggle on your own and give "The God Who Sees" an opportunity to make Himself known to you?
Personalize this prayer.
Dear Lord,
Knowing that you see all that has happened, is happening, and what will happen gives me great comfort because I don't have to expound on my frustrations when I come to You. You already know all that is going on. Thank You for caring enough
to willingly come to my aid when I'm struggling. Life is hard but when things begin to build up and become monumental it is so nice to know that You sit waiting to step in and help me make sense of it all. Praise be to You, my glorious King, whom heaven and earth adore. I raise a song of Thanksgiving to You and bless Your holy name for You alone are worthy. No one can compare to the power of Your love and nothing can compare to the promise I have in You! You never cease to amaze me and I am forever grateful!
In Jesus Name,
#ElRoi #Genesis #gave #name #Lord #spoke #YouaretheGodwhoseesme #shesaid #IhavenowseentheOnewhoseesme #see #story #Hagar #comealive #Abrahamswifesmaidservant #unfamiliar #takesometime #read #details #all #happening #Ultimately #Sarai #began #mistreating #fled #getaway #abuse #angeloftheLord #found #spring #roadtoShur #comforted #promised #encouraged #return #mistress #submit #point #gaveGod #HagarsGod #inHissights #sights #didnotleave #alone #troubles #countthenumberofhairsonourheads #sees #past #present #future #pray #praying #knows #everything #nothingishiddenfromHissight #doesnotsleep #inessence #oncall #atalltimes #Psalm #Hebrews #Children #sing #SantaClause #seesall #knowsall #stepin #dosomethingaboutit #provide #help #feelhelpless #strengthen #weak #change #circumstances #datthedropofahat #send #ourway #give #hand #overwhelmed #healing #wholeness #hearts #breaking #turn #trying #situation #calm #uneventful #discourse #unexpectedincome #cofferisbare #providewhatisneeded #whenweleastexpect #awesomeGod #serve #love #kindness #care #concern #portrays #chasesafterus #walksbesideus #goesbeforeus #hastheanswer #lifessituations #before #beforeweask #lonely #feelingunloved #needareminder #needareminderthatHeisthere #seesthemess #made #turnitinto #miracle #devastation #useittomakeadifference #affairs #doesntmissabeat #turnover #tryingtojuggle #makeHimselfknowntoyou #knowing #happened #happeningwillhappen #comfort #expound #frustrations #caringenough #willinglycometomyaid #struggling #Lifeishard #buildup #monumental #wwwwwwwaitingtostepin #helpmemakesenseofitall #praise #gloriousKing #heaven #earth #adore #raiseasong #Thanksgiving #blessYourholyname #Youaloneareworthy #Noonecancompare #powerofYourlove #nothingcanompare #promise #neverceasetoamazeme #forevergrateful