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Tamela Sue Wies

You Say You're a Christian

2 Corinthians 13:5 "Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test?

If someone asked you the following question, what would your response be? "You say that you are a Christian but what does that really mean?"

The sad thing is that there are many people walking around professing to be Christians but have no earthly idea how to respond when they are faced with this challenge. While my children were growing up I would try to create discussions with them giving them the opportunity to think about how they would respond in various situations. For instance, if you set up guidelines for dating ahead of time then when you are faced with a situation you already know what your response will be, you don't have to think about it. Too often we are not prepared and when we are not prepared we tend to fail or make poor choices that we regret or we say things we shouldn't.

This question could actuate a lengthy response but I want to sum it up for you in a very simple statement that encompasses all of what it means to be a Christian.. It will satisfy their curiosity and possibly prompt them to ask more questions that you will know the answer to.

Here you go: Being a Christian means that I have God, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God and the Holy Spirit, living inside of me. That is a very clear, concise, truthful answer to their question that is a sure conversation starter. You can tell them that 2 Corinthians 13:5 speaks of this truth. More than likely this response will leave the listener wanting you to expound on this truth and if you've spent any time in Sunday School or a church that teaches biblical truth, you will be able to answer the rest of their questions.

If you have not been attending a church or Sunday School that teaches biblical truth then I want to challenge you to go out and find a church where you can grow in God's Word with other Believers and glean from those who have walked with Jesus for a long time. Pray for God to give you a hunger for Truth and a yearning to know more . . . It is very important that we know what we believe and why! My friend, if you have the Son of the Living God living inside of you then you need to be prepared to tell His story inside of yours.

You say that you are a Christian but what does that mean? Being a Christian means that I have God, Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God and the Holy Spirit living inside of me. Hallelujah!


Personalize this prayer.

Dear Lord,

Please forgive me for avoiding conversations regarding my faith. I can see now why and I don't want to skirt the issue any longer. I want to be prepared when someone engages me in conversation and have no hesitation whatsoever. Help me to prepare my story of faith so that I can freely share with anyone at any time. May Your grace ever be on my lips and may Your love pour forth so profoundly that people see beyond a shadow of a doubt to whom I belong. Your joy is my strength. Your presence completes me and motivates me to continue on. I will forever give praise to You, my Rock and my Redeemer!

In Jesus Name,


#YousayYoureaChristian #Christian #2Corinthians #Examineyourselves #faith #testyourselves #realizeChristJesusisinyou #ChristJesus #whatwouldyourresponsebe #whatdoesthatreallymean #sadthing #peoplewalkingaround #professingtobeChristians #noearthlyidea #howtorespond #facedwiththischallenge #children #growingup #creatediscussions #opporunitytothink #guidelines #setupguidlines #wearenotprepared #makepoorchoices #choicesthatweregret #wesaythingsweshouldnt #question #actuate #lengthyreponse #tosumitup #statement #simplestatement #encompasses #satisfy #satisfytheircuriosity #promptthemtoaskmorequestions #answer #Jesus #sonoftheLivingGod #livinginsideofme #clear #concise #truthfulanswer #conversationstarter #speaksofthistruth #leave #response #lilstener #expoundonthistruth #SundaySchool #church #biblicaltruth #teaches #restoftheirquestions #questions #attending #challenge #findachurch #growinGodsWord #Believers #glean #walkedwithJesus #longtime #PraytoGod #hungerforTruth #earningtoknowmore #importantknowwhatwebelieve #friend #prepared #tell #Hisstory #insideofyours #forgiveme #avoiding #conversations #regardingmyfaith #skirttheissue #engages #conversation #nohesitation #helpme #prepare #storyoffaith #freelyshare #Yourgrace #grace #lips #love #pourforth #profoundly #people #beyondashadowofadoubt #yourjoyismystrength #presence #completes #motivates #praise #Rock #Redeemer #InJesusName #Amen

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