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It's All In Proportion

Tamela Sue Wies

James 4:8 "Draw close to God and He will draw close to you."

Those closest to me know that I am not fond of roaming animals. It doesn't bother me at all if other people have pets but I don't care for them in my house. First of all we just don't have time to take care of them and secondly, I can't stand messes. We've had birds, rabbits, fish, and iguanas for our children growing up but they were all housed in cages and their messes were contained. That I can handle. The cats that we tried lasted only a week. One of the things that I learned during our pet adventures was that iguanas will grow to the size of their cages which we were unaware of. My husband and son continued to build bigger cages to house the iguana which kept growing because they kept increasing the size of it's cage, a daunting experience!

As Christians living for Jesus, we will literally grow in proportion to the relationship we have with Jesus. We must maintain a constant vigilance, keeping short accounts with God and people and making sure not to leave ourselves open to the wiles of the enemy. God's Word tells us that the enemy roams around like a ferocious lion seeking to find whatever he can kill or destroy so he willingly takes ever opportunity that is presented to him. Don't let him get a foot hold!! If you've sinned, confess it, get rid of it and ask the Lord to examine your heart and motives and help you to look at why you do the things you do. Finally, totally surrender to His will and His ways. We need to keep the lines of communication with God open at all times.

I am being pulled in many different directions all throughout the day fulfilling my responsibilities and meeting the needs of others so it is a challenge for me to make sure that I am keeping the Lord my main priority but I persevere. Why? Because I love Him and I know how much He loves me. I have seen His hand in my life working on my behalf over and over and over again through out the years and I don't want to disappoint Him. I practice His presence daily making sure He knows that my life is all about Him. I listen to His promptings and have experienced Him guiding me and directing me to do things that I would probably have never done otherwise. I delve into His word and take in all that He desires to teach me. I spend time with Him in prayer. I engage others at every turn hoping to make a difference in their lives for Him.

I don't tell you these things to boast or brag but to help you to understand that your relationship with Jesus will continue to grow in proportion to how much time you invest in your relationship with Him. It is the old adage that you will get out of it what you've put into it. Whether you realize it now or not, your relationship with Jesus will prove to be the most valuable thing that you possess in years to come. It was James, the brother of Jesus, who wrote to the believers in Jerusalem, "Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, sinners, and purify your hearts, double-minded people!" (James 4:8) What is your game plan, my friend, in building this lasting relationship with the One who created You?


Dear Lord,

It's all about you, Jesus, and all this is for You, for Your glory and Your fame. It's not about me, as if you should do things my way. You alone are God and I surrender to Your ways. I lay all my burdens down at Your feet as I realize that You are in control and there is nothing I can do to thwart Your plans. I completely empty this vessel that You've given me so that it's available for You to use if You need it. I pray that Your will be done in, around, and through me whenever You desire. I have peace in knowing that I don't have to worry because You are working Your plans. Help me Lord not to try to make sense of it all but to rest in You.

In Jesus Name,


#ItsAllInProportion #James #DrawclosetoGod #Hewilldrawclosetoyou #closesttome #Iamnotfondofroaminganimals #roaminganimals #doesntbotherme #pets #Idontcareforthem #house #donthavetime #takecareofthem #secondly #Icantstandmesses #biirds #rabbits #fish #iguanas #chilgrowingup #housed #cages #messeswerecontained #handle #cats #petadventures #frowtothesizeoftheircages #unaware #husband #son #tontinued #buildcages #increasing #dauntingexperience #Christians #livingforJesus #Jesus #wewillgrowinproportiontotherelationshipwe #maintain #constantvigilance #shortaccountswithGod #people #leaveourselvesopen #wilesoftheenemy #ememyroams #GodsWord #ferociouslion #killanddestroy #takeseveropportunity #presentedk #dontlethimgetafoothold #sinned #confess #getridofit #examineyourheart #motives #whyyoudothethingsyoudo #totallysurrender #HiswillandHisways #keepthelinesofcommunicationope #atalltimes #pulledinmanydifferent #directions #throughouttheday #fulfillingmyresponsibilities #meetingtheneedsofothers #challenge #makesure #keepingtheLord #mainpriority #persever #IloveHim #HHelovesme #seenHishandinmylife #workingonmybehalf #throughouttheyears #IdontwanttodisappointHim #practiceHispresence #Heknows #life #workingonmybehalfthroughouttheyears #listentoHispromptings #experiencedHimguidingme #directingmetodothings #delve #HisWord #teach #spendtime #prayer #engageothers #makeadifference #makeadifferenceintheirlives #boast #brag #helpyoutounderstand #yourrelationshipwithJesus #continuetogrow #howmuchtimeyouinvest #oldadage #youwillgetoutofitwhatyouveputintoit #prove #mostvaluablethings #possess #yearsxtocome #JamesbrotherofJesus #Believers #Jerusalem #Cleanseyourhands #sinner #sinners #purifyyourhearts #gameplan #buildingthislastingrelationship #Itsallaboutyou #allthisisforYou #glory #fame #Itsnotaboutme #YoualoneareGod #IsurrendertoYourways #IlayallmyburdensdownatYourfeelt #realize #Youareincontrol #thwartYourplans #emptythisvessel #itsavailableforYoutouse #pray #peace #Idonthavetoworry #YouareworkingYourplans #HelpmeLord #restinYou


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