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Do You Have God's Ear?

Tamela Sue Wies

Exodus 33:11 "The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend."

The #1 thing that God desires is to have a personal relationship with each of us. He wants to walk with us and talk with us like He did in the garden with Adam and Eve before "The Fall". He wants us to include Him in our lives at every turn, relying on His wisdom and direction and trusting Him in all things. He longs to be our "Go To" in every circumstance.

Moses accomplished this kind of an intimate relationship with God and we know this by what God says about him in His Word. Exodus 33:11 tells us that the Lord spoke to Moses face to face as one would to a friend. Deuteronomy 34:10 says that "since then there has not arisen in Israel a prophet like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face". We know that God initiated this relationship with Moses but we also can see that Moses was a willing participant which is extremely important. He wasn't afraid of God like most everyone else. The Israelites encouraged Moses to go up on the mountain and talk with God because they were afraid of death by coming in contact with Him. These were their exact words. (Exodus 20;19)

Moses did go up on the mountain and received the 10 commandments from God. He was gone a very long time and the Israelites became restless. They began to bow down to and sacrifice to an idol which they had made in blatant disobedience. God was angry and had his mind bent on destroying them all; however, when He told Moses that He was about to kill the Israelite people. Moses immediately "stands in the gap". He proceeds to reason and plead with God as to why He shouldn't follow through with His plans. God ended up listening to Moses but through this dialogue we see the power of intercessory prayer and what prayer can accomplish when we have a right relationship with God.

It could have been that this was God's plan from the beginning and He was just waiting for circumstances to be such that He could proceed with His plan or it could have been that Moses truly did influence His decision, we don't know for sure. What we do know is that Moses' relationship was so intimate with God that there is no doubt that Moses had God's ear and had an influence on God's plans. If Moses can do this, so can any other Christian who has established a right, intimate, working relationship with the Lord.

So, let me ask, do you have God's ear? Do you have the type of relationship with God where you can possibly influence Him to alter His plans?


Personalize this prayer.

Dear Lord,

I love You and I love to bask in Your presence; however, I know that there are times when I get in the way and selfishness and pride cause distance between us. Please forgive me for letting those ugly tendencies to flare up. Hold me close, Lord, and never let me go. Show me when I am not pleasing You so that I can immediately switch gears. I long to be in Your presence always and incline my ear to all that You are trying to teach me. I know what it is to be so close that I can hear Your every word, yet I also know what it is to not be able to even feel Your presence and I don't want to ever be in that state again. You are precious to me and I hunger to sit at Your feet, gleaning from all of who You are. I want to be like You so much so that it is very obvious to others who I belong to. Please continue to soften the rough edges of my character and winnow away at the critical spirit that surfaces at times from out of no where. Make me an absolute blessing to everyone that comes across my path and let the joy You have given me spill out in abundance revealing all of who You are.

In Jesus Name,


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