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The Anointing

Tamela Sue Wies

Ephesians 3:20 "God is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work in us."

God chose Moses out of all the people on the earth at that time to lead the Israelite people out of the land of Egypt. He wanted to deliver them from the slavery that had held them in bondage for hundreds of years. You remember the story, Moses felt inadequate and basically said, "Who me, I can't do that." Isn't that usually our first response when we sense God is wanting us to do something. I know that on more occasions than I'd like to admit, that has been my response. What a cop out! Scripture tells us in Philippians 4:13 that we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength so do we believe His Word or not?

After failing several times to trust Him, I've finally learned to surrender immediately. God is faithful to His promises and He has proven to me over and over and over again that He will equip and enable us to do all that He needs us to do. We need to realize that if God is calling us to do anything on His behalf, that He will anoint us with His supernatural power to get the job done the way He needs it to be done and He will use the Holy Spirit living dwelling inside of us to empower us to do it.

So what is the anointing? I think the word anointing tends to scare people or cause them to be apprehensive but it actually just means that the presence and power of the Holy Spirit is operating through us to accomplish whatever God is asking us to do for Him.

I remember telling the VBS Director in our little church one year that I felt like God was telling me not to commit to any specific responsibility but that if there was still a need before the week began that would be my place. Oh my, I got a call the night before the 1st day of VBS saying that the worship leader backed out at the last minute and would I be willing to lead the worship time. Shy me who didn't like to be the center of attention was being asked to stand on a platform in front of a room full of people to speak, sing and lead worship? I didn't even have to think twice because I knew that God had everything under control. Was I a little scared, yes and my stomach was reminding me; however, I was standing on the promises of God's Word and I knew that He would enable and equip me to do what needed to be done, I just didn't know what that looked like yet. I persevered, praying not only for His anointing but that He would show up in the midst of all that was being done and that there would be more of Him and less of me. I will never forget that experience. Several times throughout the week I was brought to tears as I watched how God used me to hold the attention of those precious children and lead them closer to the Lord. I'm living proof that God can use anyone!

Friends, if God can use Moses, who some theologians believe was not an eloquent speaker, to speak on behalf of the Israelite people in front of the Pharaoh of Egypt then He most definitely will equip and enable us to do anything He needs done. The question is: are we willing and do we trust Him? It is as simple as that. God is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work in us. Ephesians 3:20.


Personalize this prayer.

Dear Lord,

The unknown has always paralyzed me and stopped me from surrendering when You call me to do something out of my comfort zone. Please forgive me. I realize that I need to trust You instead of just saying no. I'm ready to willingly surrender from now on when You are needing me and I will step out in faith believing that You will do Your part in taking care of the details. Use me however You desire and please give me Your peace through it all. I know in my head the truths of Your word, but now it's time to believe in my heart that every bit of it is true. I give You all of me to do as You please whenever You need. And now, Lord God, please keep forever the promises You have made concerning me and my house. Do as You promised, so that Your name will be great and so that I can testify to Your goodness and mercy forever more.

In Jesus Name,



#TheAnointing #fromfeartofaith #Ephesians #Godisable #todoimmeasurablymorethanallweaskorimagine #accordingtoHispwoerthatisatworkinus #GodchoseMoses #leadtheIsraelitepeople #outofthelandofEgypt #deliver #slavery #bondage #hundredsofyears #Mosesfeltinadequate #whome #Icantdothat #firstresponse #sense #occasions #admit #whatacopout #Philippians #wecandoallthingsthroguhCrhsit #strengthdowebelieveHiswordornot #failing #trustHim #learnedtosurrender #immediately #GodisfaithfultoHispromises #proven #Hewillequipandenableus #Hisbehalf #Hewillanoint #supernaturalpower #getthejobdone #HewillusetheHolySpirit #HolySpirit #livign #dwelling #empower #whatistheanointing #scarepeople #apprehensive #presence #power #operatingthroughus #HolySpiritaccomplish #VBSDirector #church #commit #respomsibility #nightbefore #worshipleader #lastminute #wouldIbewillingtoleadtheworshiptime #centerofattention #standonaplatform #infrontofaroomfullofpeople #speak #sing #leadworship #Godhadeverythingundercontrol #scared #stomach #re #remindingme #standingonthepromisesofGodsword #persevered #praying #Hisanointing #Hewouldshowup #moreofHim #lessofme #Iwillneverforgetthatexperience #broughttotears #Godusedme #holdtheattentionofthosepreciouschildren #leadthemclosertotheLord #Moses #notaneloquentslpeaker #arewewilling #dowetrusthim #unknown #paralyzed #stoppedmefromsurrendering #outofmycomfortzone #Pleaseforgiveme #Ineedtotrustyou #insteadofjustsayingno #Imreadytowillinglysurrender #Iwillstepoutinfaith #takingcareofthedetails #usemehoweverYoudesire #PleasegivemeYourpeace #Iknowinmyhead #believeinmyheart #IgiveYouallofme #pleasekeepforeverthepromisesYouhavemade #promised #testifytoYourgoodmessandmercy

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