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Let Your Gentleness Be Evident

Tamela Sue Wies

Philippians 4:5 "Let your gentleness be evident to all."

We had a wonderful labor day weekend traveling with our daughter and 4 of our grandchildren to see my mother. The children traveled well but then again they are children. I've learned through the years to be flexible and have fun. Childhood is a training time in which we seek to teach all those characteristics that lead to godly character. There were many opportunities for character development and a whole lot of time to have fun but what stuck out in my mind the most while I interacted with these precious little ones was that God was continuing to teach me patience, forbearance, and flexibility.

I had to continually remember that each of these sweet souls was different and as much as I wanted to, I couldn't force them to be like me, think like me or like what I like. They have their own individual thoughts, their own individual likes, their own individual temperaments, and their own way of expressing themselves. Sometimes I think that we miss out on sweet times of fellowship and endearing friendships because of our unwillingness to be gentle and accomodating. You might be thinking, gentle? Yes, gentle. Gentleness has gotten a bad wrap in modern society but what the word actually means is forbearance and leans towards flexibility.

The Bible tells us in Philippians 4:2-4 that Euodia and Syntyche were trying to remold each other. They were two very different people, each trying to fit the other woman's peg into their different shaped hole. Their problem had nothing to do with principle. Each woman wanted her personal preference and personal taste to trump the others. We all know that this attitude will not work. Times like these call for flexibility, pliability and gentleness. We must be considerate of one another and work towards unity. No one person's ideas will be chosen every single time. No one person's creativity will be enjoyed by all. No one likes to spend time around people who always have to be right or who demand that their ways are the only way.

Paul was encouraging the Philippians to let their gentleness be evident to all by being willing to consider other's points of view. My role this past weekend was to love on my grandchildren, mediate conflict, and let my gentleness be evident at all times. This meant hopefully portraying a calm, gentle, loving spirit for them to emulate.

Do you thrive on being in control and always right? You might need to rethink your ways. God didn't put us here on earth to rule and decide things on our own. He stationed us here to work together and re-present Him every which way we can which speaks of gentleness, unity, and sacrificial love.


Personalize this prayer.

Dear Lord,

I never realized that I was forcing myself so strongly on others. I can only imagine the turmoil I must have caused and it breaks my heart. Forgive me for expecting others to always heed my demands. As I look back I can see where I've always bulldozed my way in various situations to get my way. Oh Lord, I caused division and also lost friendships because of my selfishness. Help me, Lord, to step back and keep my mouth shut for a while and observe before butting in. Show me how to work with others and draw them out, getting their points of view instead of always demanding my own. I don't want others to be repulsed by me any longer. You have humbled me and I long to be a gentle soul like you. It will take time, I know, to change old habits but I truly desire for You to change my heart and my controlling ways. Your patience with me is confounding. What a mighty God You are. You are my All in All. You are in every breath that I take and in every move that I make. Thank You for for gently showing me the error of my ways. You alone are God and I surrender!

In Jesus Name,


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