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I Stand Amazed

Tamela Sue Wies

Psalm 104:24-25 "How many are Your works, Lord! In wisdom You made them all; the earth is full of Your creatures. There is the sea, vast and spacious, teeming with creatures beyond number— living things both large and small."

On a recent trip to the zoo I stood once again blown away by God's handiwork and His unrivaled imagination. Each time I came upon another animal I was flooded with amazement and stood in awe as I watched them in their simulated environment. It never gets old to me. The uniqueness of each creature, their habits, and their inclinations thrill me but what touched me the most on this visit was hearing the shrieks and the gasps of my grandchildren as they fixed their eyes on God's marvelous assemblage.

Every animal has a unique sound, distinct characteristics, alluring colors, and charming antics which made us all giggle in delight. They each have a divine purpose in the animal kingdom and when I watch them long enough I begin to be mesmerized by God's seemingly never ending imagination. When I wonder and think about all of God's creation I often find myself singing a little tune that I made up years ago to remember a scripture that I was trying to memorize. "How precious to me are your thoughts, oh Lord, how vast are the sum of them. If I were to count them one by one they'd outnumber the grains of sand." Psalm 139:17-18. Just imagine the extent of God's creativity, His thoughts while forming each one, and the perspective He was coming from, there is no end to it. He keeps track of the countless number of plants and creatures that He placed on the earth and sustains them all. I have trouble just making sure my calendar coincides with my husband's!

The whole of this creation is a Masterpiece in itself crafted by the eternal God's own hand not by a chance evolutionary process like some would suggest. Look at this, the Greek term for the word "workmanship' is translated poem. All of God's creation displays His majestic poetry and yet He reserved His greatest efforts of all for His finest accomplishment, that of man of which He said was "Very Good". God created man and woman in His own image, laid down His artisan tools and proclaimed that His last creation was the best of all!

My friend, if you haven't taken time lately to sit back and marvel at all that God has created, that He sustains, and that He is controlling then I want to challenge you to take some time away to just sit, relax and take in all the wonders of this marvelous world. Bask in the Lord's goodness, take pleasure in the people He has surrounded you with, indulge in the sights, the sounds, the flavors and the scents He has afforded you and rejoice that He has chosen you to take part in it all. It will give you a renewed appreciation of God's unfailing love.


Personalize this prayer.

Dear Lord,

I do stand amazed in Your presence because You are the creator of all. You are the Keeper of all things and the Sustainer of every living creature. No one can out work you or think up anything that You haven't already thought of. You have brought life into this world and You reserve the right to take it out whenever You choose. It humbles me to think that You've chosen me to be a part of all that You've orchestrated and that I will be able to bask in Your presence for eternity. All Glory and Power be Yours now and forever more! Help me never to take all this for granted.

In Jesus Name,


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