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Tried and Tested

Tamela Sue Wies

1 Peter 1:6-7 "In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed."

Some of the best recipes to experiment with are those that have been tried, tested, and tweaked. They have proven to be good. I have 3 books of recipes from friends and relatives that I consistently use because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are mouth wateringly delicious. My friends and relatives have tested them out on their families and tweaked them to make them even better than they were before so I know that I can trust that they will not fail me. These recipes are my go to, never fail, yummy to the core dishes that never disappoint and always leave people wanting more.

I would venture to say that true faith can be measured in the same way. Faith that is tested can be trusted. (1 Peter 1:6-7) The Bible teaches us that it is God's plan to refine each of us, to test and try us like gold is refined in the fire. This testing is meant to strengthen us and deepen our relationship with Him. When the Lord allows this testing we can be sure that it is a normal part of spiritual growth and it can be a turning point in our spiritual lives for better or for worse. These trying situations can become stepping stones or stumbling stones depending on what our response is to all that is coming our way. God does not allow the trials in our lives to make us bitter, but better off in the end; not to bring impairment, but to bring improvement; not to confine us but to refine us into solid, mature Christ Followers who bear His image.

The Apostle James, the brother of Jesus, challenges us to think outside the box. He said, "My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing." James 1:2-4 Count it all joy is not a natural response to pain and suffering, however; if our eyes are fixed on Jesus and we understand His ways, then it is possible to remain joyful in the midst of all that is coming against us.

Like my tried and true recipes, genuine Believers can take joy in the pain of the suffering they face because they know it is only temporary and will produce stronger faith, patience and endurance to continue on. Their eyes are fixed on the final outcome and they are heaven bound which in itself is the greatest blessing of all!


Personalize this prayer.

Dear Lord,

I don't like to suffer. The truth is that it hurts and it wears on me to the whole core of my being. If it were just me, it's not so bad, but when it involves the people that I love, that is when it does me in. It is so hard to watch the ones that I love suffering with pain and difficulties. Thank you, Lord, that You've proven me faithful through the years. It wasn't easy or fun but I've learned so much through perseverance. I've learned what truly matters and what doesn't. Please help me to be bold in my witness and share all that I've been through in hopes of encouraging others and giving them hope. We truly are able to endure anything You allow because when You bring things to us, You promise to help us through it. You give us Your strength and Your resolve. Thank You for helping me to stay the course and show me how I can help others in their walk of faith also. You are the everlasting eternal God who is, who was, and who will be. You bring comfort and peace in the midst of all that You send my way. May Your love be the banner that flys over everywhere I go.

In Jesus Name,


#Triedandtested #1Peter #rejoice #suffer #grief #trials #genuinenessofyourfaith #greaterworth #goldf #perishes #refined #refinedbyfire #praise #glory #honor #JesusChrist #revealed #bestrecipes #experiment #tried #tested #tweaked #good #recipes #friends #relatives #beyondashadowofadoubtdoubt #outhwatering #delicious #families #Icantrust #theywillnotfailme #goto #neverfail #yummy #dishes #neverdisappoint #alwaysleavepeoplewantingmore #Iwouldventuretosay #truefaith #measured #sameway #Faiththatistestedcanbetrusted #Bibleteaches #Godsplan #refine #tryuslikegold #refinedinthefire #strengthen #deepnourrelationshipwithHim #Lordallows #normalpartofspiritualgrowth #turningpoint #forbetterorforworse #steppingstones #stumblingstones #response #doesnotallow #makeusbitter #betteroffintheend #bringimpairment #bringimprovement #confine #refinesolid #mature #ChristFollowers #bearHisimage #ApostleJames #brotherofJesus #challenges #thinkoutsidethebox #countitalljoy #thetestingofyourfaith #patience #perfect #complete #lackingnothing #naturalresponse #painandsuffering #oureyesarefixedonJesusus #understandHisways #possible #remanjoyful #midst #allthatiscomingagainstus #triedandtruerecipes #genuineBelievers #joy #temporary #producestrongerfaith #endurance #eyesarefixedonthefinaloutcome #heavenbound #greatestblessingofall #Idontliketosuffer #hurts #wearsonme #wholecoreofmybeing #involvesthepeoplethatIlove #doesmein #hardtowatch #painanddifficulties #Youveprovenmefaithful #throughtheyears #Itwasnteasy #fun #learnedsomuch #perseverance #Ivelearnedwhattrulymatters #helpme #bold #witness #share #inhopesofencouragingothers #givingthemhope #endure #Yourstrength #Yourresolve #staythecourse #walkoffaith #everlastingeternalGod #whois #showas #andwhowillbe #comfort #peace #love #bannerthatflysover


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