Joshua 1:5 "No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you."
Within the last year our beloved Senior Pastor announced his retirement. He had faithfully served for over 28 years and he and his family were loved by all, not only in the church but within our community as well. Our church decided to call our Assistant Pastor to take on the role as Senior Pastor following his retirement and the thought of stepping into the pulpit behind this precious man of God had to be incredibly overwhelming.
As we look at the first chapter of Joshua we can see that this same scenario was occurring within the nation of Israel. Moses, whom God called His friend, had just died and God picked Joshua to take His place. Joshua had been traveling with Moses for forty years and had seen the power of God work through him on multiple occasions, the healing of the water, the parting of the red sea, and the pillars of fire and clouds just to name a few instances. Suddenly, without any forewarning, Moses is gone and Joshua is given full command. Can you imagine? One moment Joshua is faithfully following his leader's commands and the next moment he is literally in charge of over 2 million people. The logistics alone are mind boggling.
Rest assured, God had everything under control! It is at this moment that He sits Joshua down to give him a little pep talk letting him know that everything that had been promised to Moses was still in effect. If Joshua had any fear or reservations, he sure doesn't let on because we see in Joshua 1:10 that he immediately gave his officers orders. There was no complaining or doubt of inadequacy, he just jumped in. That speaks volumes to me. You can tell a lot about someone by how they respond in stressful situations. He may have not been quite sure how he was going to proceed but he faithfully trusted that the God who called him to this task would Himself work to make sure that everything would happen as it should. Joshua didn't have to be fearful because in everything that was about to take place, he knew that God would be earnestly involved.
Like Joshua, we are called to be available and when He chooses to use us, to be faithful and obedient. If God has called us to something whether it be in leadership or for a helping hand, we can be sure that He will bring us through it and provide all that is needed to complete the task. He isn't bound by the way we're wired or by our limitations. He just needs noble vessels through which He can work in order to do the things that He has planned. As a child of God, He gives us the same promise that He did to Joshua. "No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you." Joshua 1:5, an assuring comfort in times of uncertainty.
Do you depend upon your own abilities to complete the tasks that God has called you to? Relax, my friend, relax. He isn't looking for worthy vessels, just vessels that are empty and available. You see,when we find our strength and courage in Christ alone anything is possible because He doesn't call the equipped. He equips the called.
Personalize this prayer.
Dear Lord,
What can I say but I'm sorry. I'm sorry for shrinking back and not accepting responsibility. I'm sorry for giving in to the fear and inadequacy that plagues me and has paralyzed me from being of any use. I want to be used by You. I want to be available for You to use at a moments notice without fear of the unknown. Please give me strength and courage to step out of my comfort zone. You've proven Your love for me over and over and over again and it's time I step up to the plate. I'm ready and willing so when You are ready, my answer is YES and Amen! You are welcome to work through me whenever You desire.
In Jesus Name,
#GodEquipsthecalled #Joshua #noonewillbeable #standagainstyou #allthedaysofyourlife #Moses #Iwillbewithyou #Iwillneverleaveyounorforsakeyou #beloved #seniorpastor #retirement #faithfully #years #family #lovedbyall #inthechurch #community #assistantpastor #takeontherole #following #steppingintothepulpit #precious #manofGod #overwhelming #samescenario #nationofIsrael #Godcalled #friend #died #GodpickedJoshua #travelingwithMoses #fortyyears #powerofGod #occasions #healingofthewater #partingoftheredsea #pillarsoffire #clouds #suddenly #withoutanyforewarning #Joshuaisgivenfullcommand #faithfullyfollowing #incharge #2millionkpeople #logistics #mindboggling #restassured #Godhadeverythingunfercontrol #HesitsJoshuadown #peptalk #stillineffect #fear #reservations #hesuredoesntleton #gavehisofficersorders #complaining #doubtofinadequacy #jumpedin #volumes #speaksvolumes #howtheyrespond #stressfulsituations #proceed #faithfullytrusted #task #work #happen #heknewthatGodwouldbeearnestlyinvolved #available #Hechoosestouseus #obedient #leadership #helpinghand #Hewillbringusthroughit #provideallthatisneeded #completethetask #Hesintbound #wired #limitations #noblevessels #planned #childofGod #samepromise #standagainstyouallthedaysofyourlife #Hedoesntcalltheequipped #Heequipsthecalled #whatcanIsay #Imsorry #shrinkingback #notacceptingresponsibility #givingintothefear #inadequacy #plaguesme #paralyzedme #IwanttobeusedbyYou #momentsnotice #withoutfearoftheunknown #givemestrength #courage #stepout #fomfortzone #proven #stepuptotheplate #Imready #willing #yes #amen #welcome #workthroughme