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The Battle Is The Lord's

Tamela Sue Wies

Joshua 6:2 "Then the Lord said to Joshua, “See, I have delivered Jericho into your hands, along with its king and its fighting men."

When we are faced with challenges or are in the midst of a dilemma, usually our first thought is "What am I going to do"? Have you been there? Unfortunately, my mind has gone there all too often. And well meaning friends and relatives usually aren't much help. They come along side of us and ask, "What are you going to do?"

I began thinking about this struggle as I read the book of Joshua. God had commissioned Joshua to lead the Israelites into the promised land which he did and after a time Joshua began to focus on how they could get through the walls of Jericho and take that city and it's inhabitants as God directed. What got my attention here is that in the midst of planning, he was thinking that the battle was his to fight. He would lead the Israelites in the battle.

God very quickly got Joshua's attention near Jericho where he was surmising the whole situation. Joshua looked up and saw a man with a drawn sword in His hand claiming to be the commander of the Lord's army. He immediately recognized this as a divine appointment and listened carefully. The Lord made him aware that He had already delivered Jericho into their hands. Can you imagine the relief that Joshua must have felt just hearing those words? What a comfort! God's Word reminds us that we don't need to be afraid nor dismayed because the battle is not ours, but God’s...God says, "You will not need to fight this battle. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord” (2 Chronicles 20:15, 17). The victory had already been won! All Joshua had to do was listen to God's instructions and do exactly as He asked.

Are you facing a battle that has you overcome with worry and fear? Are you struggling to figure out how you are going to handle the whole situation? Rest in the Lord, my friend. If you are His child, this is His battle to fight, not yours. Be still and surrender it to Him. In the book of Joshua and in Deuteronomy 31:6 God tells us to be strong and courageous and that He will be with us wherever we go. He won't leave us or forsake us and the beauty of it all is that we already have victory in Jesus. (Psalm 3:8) He is our Deliverer.

Refocus your thoughts and trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5,6) Victory will come. It may not be as you've imagined but it will come in God's way and in His timing.


Personalize this prayer.

Dear Lord,

So very often I forget that You are right here with me. Thank You! Forgive me for the times when I've tried to face difficulties on my own only to be reminded that I had forgotten to include You. Help me to be so Kingdom focused that it becomes second nature to just come to You right away. Scripture tells us that all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us so from now on I'm standing on Your promises of deliverance and victory. I will step aside and allow You to guide me in all things. For I know that Your plans are best and Your timing is perfect. Praise be to You who reigns on high above everything that is binding on this earth.

In Jesus Name,


#ThebattleistheLords #Ihavedelivererd #intoyourhands #Israelites #king #fightingmen #facedwtihchallenges #inthemidstof #dilemma #firstthought #whatamIgoingtodo #haveyoubeenthere #mymindhasgonethere #alltoooften #wellmeaningfriends #relatives #arentmuchhelp #comealongside #whatareyougoingtodo #thinking #struggle #readthebook #Joshua #commissioned #leadtheisraelites #promisedland #focuson #wallsofJericho #takethatciy #inhabitants #gotmyattention #midstofplanning #thebattlewashistofight #Helookedup #mandrawnsword #drawnswordinHishand #commanderoftheLordsarmy #immediately #recognized #divineappointment #listenedcarefully #madehimaware #alreadydelivered #reliedivineappointment #listenedcarefullycanyouimagine #comfort #GodsWordremindsus #wedontneedtobeafraid #dismayed #thebattleisnotours #positionyourselves #standstill #seethesalvationoftheLord #thevictoryhadalreadybeenwon #listentoGodsinstructions #doexactlyasHeasked #facingabattle #overcomewithworryandfear #areyoustruggling #handlethewholesituation #restintheLord #thisisHisbattletofight #bestill #surrender #Deuteronomy #bestrongandcourageous #Hewillbewithuswhereverwego #Hewontleaveusorforsakeus #wealreadyhavevictoryinJesus #HeisourDeliverer #REfocus #thoughts #TrustintheLord #withallyourheart #Leannotonyourownunderstanding #acknowledgeHim #Hewilldirectyourpathsstraight #Victory #imagined #Godsway #Histiming

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