Matthew 28:19-20 "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Are you in the midst of a monumental struggle that you are sure even God has turned away from? Do you feel as though He is not hearing your prayers and doesn't seem to care? You are not alone my friend, at some time in our relationship with Christ, there are many people who feel alone and begin to doubt God's faithfulness and devotion.
Let me assure you that God's Word tells us that He does care. As a matter of fact He cares more than we know. It is hard for the human mind to comprehend the ways of the Lord and understand His timing, but He knows all, sees all, knows what is best for us in each situation, knows the exact time to act on our behalf and when it will best glorify Him. There is so much involved in each circumstance that we have to remember that whether we believe it or not, God is in control. He passionately cares about every little detail of our lives and as Believers in Jesus Christ, we are called to trust in His timing and His judgement. We may not feel emotionally connected to Him all the time but we can rest assured that He is always right there with us acting on our behalf even in the hardest of situations. (Matthew 28:20)
One of the verses that has always touched my heart is found in Zephaniah 3;17 “The Lord your God is with you. He’s mighty to deliver. He takes great delight in you. He will quiet you with His love. He rejoices over you with singing.” (3:17) What a great assurance and a beautiful picture of inevitable devotion and unwavering faithfulness. My friends, God's love isn't determined by our faithfulness or our devotion but by His mercy. (Romans 9:16). God, Himself, is love. That is who He is and that is why it would be out of character for Him to be anything but loving. He intimately, passionately, and unapologetically loves you.
As a matter of fact, God loves you so much that He gave His one and only Son, Jesus, as a sacrifice, taking your sin and your shame to die on a cross in your place. You should have suffered the consequences of your sin but He took them on Himself so that you could be reconciled to God and live with Him forever. Your were an enemy of God but because of Jesus, you have now become one of His own. You have been adopted into His family and gained all the rights of a son or daughter of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. So, yes, you are loved and yes, He does care.
If you're still having trouble believing that God cares, I challenge you to begin reading the book of Psalms this week. Pour over His Words and let them sink into your heart. You will find that even if you were the only person to ever walk this earth that this love story was written for you.
Personalize This Prayer
Dear Lord,
I'm struggling. I feel like I'm drowning. My life is in turmoil and I can't see my way out of this mess. Everything seemed to be going along fine and "Boom", I was hit with these overwhelming circumstances that I didn't see coming. I'm trying, I'm trying to turn it all over to You because I don't know what to do or where to turn. If you truly love me, Lord, would you please show me the way? Make your Word come alive to me and stir up the passion that I once knew. I want to trust You, I want to believe that You are working on my behalf but I haven't see the manifestation of Your love at all in this. Please bring people along side of me to walk with me and speak into my life.
In Jesus Name,
#DoesGodreallycare #monumentalstruggle #Godhasturnedaway #notHeisnothearingyourprayers #youarenotalone #myfriend #relationshipwithChrist #manypeoplewhofeelalone #doubtGodsfaithfulnessanddevotion #Godsfaithfulness #devotion #Letmeassureyou #GodsWord #Hedoescare #morethanweknow #humanmind #comprehendthewaysoftheLord #understandHistiming #Heknowsall #seesall #knowswhatisbestforus #knowstheexacttimetoact #onourbehalf #florifyHim #circumstance #remember #Godisincontrol #passionatelycares #everylittledetailofourlives #Believers #JesusChrist #trust #trustinHistiming #Hisjudgement #nwemaynotfeelemotionallyconnected #emotionallyconnected #allthetime #restassured #Heisalwaysrightthere #actingonourbehalf #thehardestofsituationss #verses #touchedmyheart #Zephaniah #TheLordyourGodiswithyou #Hesmightytodeliver #Hetakesgreatdelightinyou #HewillquietyouwithHislove #Herejoicesoveryouwithsinging #greatassurance #beautifulpictureofinevitabledevotion #unwaveringfaithfulness #Godsloveisntdeterminedbyourfaithfulness #byHismercy #God #Himself #islove #outofcharacterforHim #loving #intimately #passionately #unapologetically #lovesyou #asamatteroffact #HegaveHisoneandonlySon #Jesus #sacrifice #fakingyoursinandyourshame #dieonacrossinyourplace #youshouldhavesufferedtheconsequencesofyour #HetookthemonHimself #reconciledtoGod #livewithHimforever #enemyofGod #oneofHisown #adoptedintoHisfamily #gainedalltherightsofasonordaughter #KingofKings #LordofLords #youareloved #HedoescareIfyourestillhavingtroublebelivei #Godcare #beginreading #bookofPsalms #pouroverHisWords #letthemsinkintoyourheart #onlypersontoeverwalkthisearth #lovestory #writtenforyou #struggling #drowning #turmoil #mess #Boom #overwhelmingcircumstances #trying #Idontknowwhattodo #wheretoturn #Ifyoutrulyloveme #showmetheway #makeyourWordcomealive #stir #stirupthepassion #IwanttotrustYouu #Iwanttobelieve #Youareworkingonmybehalf #manifestationofYourlove #bringpeoplealongsideofme #walkwihtme #speakintomylfie