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His Indescribable Peace

Tamela Sue Wies

1 Corinthians 14:33 " For He is not a God of confusion and disorder but of peace and order. As in all the churches of the saints (God’s people)"

In Chapter 14 of 1 Corinthians Paul was admonishing the Corinthian people for having disorderly worship experiences. He was trying to explain to them that if an outsider or a seeker would enter among them, they would not be able to understand what was going on. The inquirer would totally miss the message that was trying to be related. Paul closed this chapter by telling them that God is not a God of disorder but of peace.

If you go all the way back to Genesis chapter 1 you see that the world was without form and void. It was in utter chaos but God in His wisdom began His work by bringing order to what was in disarray. The Bible lays out His clear plans for His creation day by day detailing the order in which each specific thing came into existence. The seasons, months, days, and the time have all been defined so that we have a definite order to the way we live our lives. Adam was given the responsibility of naming all the animals, birds, fish, plants, insects etc. so they would be grouped into their same kinds and would procreate within their species. And if you dig deep into God's Word you will find that He gave specific instructions as to how we should live our lives as humans so that we would be able to have a relationship with Him and not be drawn away by the wiles of the evil one. His plans for order are very evident!

It's very possible that you may be experiencing some confusion as you read this devotional this morning but I want to assure you that it is not from God. God is a God of peace not of turmoil. He desires that we look to Him for guidance and direction not live from crisis to crisis. Often we are the authors of our own confusion and it is because we are insisting on our own plans rather than God's plan for us. When we follow our flesh it results in constant conflict not only with God but with others as well. We were not meant to live in this state of confusion and upheaval.

If we are to know peace it must begin with God. We must totally surrender to His will and His ways. The prophet Micah said, "He has shown you O man what is good, and what does the Lord require of you, but to live justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." My friend, you will find that once you have peace with God and full confidence in Him, the confusion will disappear. He will begin filling your heart with His peace, a peace that is totally indescribable and very different from this fallen world.


Personalize this prayer.

Dear Lord,

I lift up my eyes to the heavens and seek Your peace that Your Word says passes all understanding. The chaos and confusion that the world offers is exhausting and keeps me running in circles trying to fight my own battles. I no longer want to live as the world lives! I want to surrender everything I am to You and You alone. I desire for You to be my Guide, my Help, and my Comforter. Take my life and let it be as You have planned. Show me how to live in peace with You.

In Jesus Name,




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